Pythagorean Theroem

Our math problem was about two people; Henry and Raquel. Henry and Raquel come from a book we just read in Spanish class. Henry was a pirate, and so was Raquel. Henry wanted to pick Raquel up for a date, but he didn’t know how long it would take him to drive to her work. We solved the problem by using the Pythagorean Theorem (a² + b² = c²). We replaced the variables with our numbers (8² + 12² = c²). Then solved from there.

We came up with the answer 14 minutes and 40 seconds. This answer sounds reasonable, The diagonal road is longer than the road to Raquel’s work. So it would make sense for it to take a few minutes longer to get to her work.

The people in our word problem come from a book we just read in Spanish class. Henry was a pirate, and so was Raquel.

I never realized how often the Pythagorean Theorem is applied in life. There are so many situations, that use it. I don’t know what we would do without it. So many problems would not get solved, and we wouldn’t have some of the things we have now.