God at Work

God knew that Paul would go into ministry the day Paul was born. Paul was trained to be a Pharisee, so he learned scripture and basically memorized it. When Paul was converted, and sent out on his trips, he could easily tell people scripture. Paul also was given Jewish and Roman citizenship. Paul could travel anywhere he wanted, helping him to go to places God called him. He didn’t have to worry about getting caught, or doing anything illegal, he could just go where he wanted.

God can use me, like He used Paul. I love to help people, or feel good helping people. I feel like God gave me the gift of compassion. I enjoy helping and doing things for other. God might be able to use my compassion for others in the future, and he is preparing me. I’m also very good at welcoming people. I feel bad for people who don’t feel included, and like to welcome them in. I know how it feels to feel left out or different, so I don’t want others to feel that way.