What I did this Summer

During the summer I had lots of fun going to Lake Michigan and swimming. This summer was a bit different from all the other summers because I was living with my grandparents who live on Lake Michigan. During the summer we were building a house and it has been over a year since we started, and we’re almost done. I had the pleasure of helping my parents side and paint our house. When I wasn’t helping side our house I was either playing my new ps4 I got over the summer, or at the beach. I also went to a cabin and had a lot of fun there. I also got to see what I thought was a bald eagle flying around where I live. I also got to go water skiing for the first time ever and I thought that I did pretty well. Next summer I’ll be able to go to Florida with my family. Overall my summer was great, and I’m exited for the school year.

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