Walters' 8th Grade Blog

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Chilean Government- ‘Disappearing people’?

on November 28, 2012

A few weeks ago, we learned about a girl who was taken for no reason, and then ‘disappeared’ (in 1964). Her parents found out that she was missing, and asked the government where she is. They told them that they should contact this person instead. So they did. That person said they should contact another person. They did that also. Then the realized that this was going no where, so they re-called the government. The government then said to them that they had no idea who this person even was.

Some people believe, the the girl was taken because the ‘kidnappers’ were looking for her husband but took her instead. They later came back and took her husband as well. Most people think that the kidnappers took the people somewhere, and then later killed them.

With this event, the government was over thrown because no one liked them anymore.

I think this is very important because it has something to do with the US. I don’t know why anyone would kidnap random people for no reason.

Why do you think this happened?

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