Explain the twisted ending story to your parents.
Ivan dies.

Explain to your parents how a solar eclipse occurs.

the moon covers the sun.

What was your favorite part of the week?

seeing Mr. Keyser.

Good afternoon to you all!

Lots to report this week! I am sending this out today(Thursday) to make sure you are aware of the Auction tomorrow evening. I am so impressed by what I am seeing take place in preparation for this big event. Kathy and I are looking forward to stopping by and seeing all that goes on. We actually have something for folks to bid on! We each have a “bring a friend to bowl and eat” for the highest bidder. We think that a couple of friends will band together, both get the highest bid, and then bring two of their other friends. That way, we’ll be taking 4 good friends out to bowl and eat! Should be fun!

Speaking of fun! Our next field trip will be to watch a chemistry demonstration at Calvin College! It is May 13th, and I will be needing drivers. I understand this is the most enjoyable field trip of the year for the kids(and parents that drive), and so I am giving you a month’s heads-up to see if you can clear your schedule on that day and volunteer to drive. I will take the first 4 drivers that respond to this request via my school email. I will then reply with a yes, or no if we have enough volunteers! Thanks in advance!

Speaking of excitement, which I am positive that field trip will be for the kids, I just want to say how excited I am to be the new 8th grade math and science teacher for this Fall! Absolutely thrilled how our Lord has brought me to ZCS and will be using me in an area that I feel so strongly about! It will also be enjoyable to have your sons and daughters again in just over two years. Great kids, will surely become great young adults! Keep up the great work at home, that is so obvious by what an incredible group of students I have!

Academically, it took a day or two to get back into the swing of things after break, but we are all in by today. In Mr. Hutt’s social studies class, the students are going through the early events of the Revolutionary War. In math, Mr. Hutt is continuing on with long division, and I am continuing with measurement and geometry. Specifically, perimeter, area and volume. In Bible, we are still covering the early life Christ. In ELA, Mrs. Keyser is introducing some writing activities called Twisted Endings(ask them about the first one they read called, “The Cemetery Path”). They are bringing home the first homework that I have given in quite some time. They are to ask a family member about a memory that they strongly remember. They should be bringing it home tonight, so please ask them to show you. Shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes, and is due by Monday. Thanks for your help with this!

I hope you all have an incredible weekend, and are able to attend and enjoy the auction tomorrow! Paul

I’ve been asked my Mr. Buteyn to pass on the following information to see if we have any interest amongst our parents to host a Guatemalan student next Fall.

In the fall, ZCS will again be hosting students from Guatemala through the Faces and Our Cultures program. We are looking for families who are willing to host a middle school student for about 7 1/2 weeks from mid-October to mid-December. ZCS has been involved with this program for about seven years and we have found it to be a great experience for the students from Guatemala, the students in our school community, and the host families. The Faces and Our Cultures organization has great respect for the way the ZCS community has provided such a welcoming environment for the students in their program.
An information meeting for interested host families led by Gaby Padilla from Faces is going to be held on April 23 at 1:30 pm for those who are able to attend at that time.
If you are interested in hosting, want more information, or have any questions, please contact Mr. Buteyn (jbuteyn@zcs.org).

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