Tell your parents about your service learning project.
me and Melat are going to fishers of men.
Tell your parents about the Revolutionary Walk!
 we are doing today

Good Morning,Sending this out Thursday this week so that you get one more day heads up for the things that are coming up next week. First and foremost is to tell you that we will begin taking the Measure of Academic Progress(MAP) assessment next week. I have included information given to us to help our students perform at their best. Please read it and encourage your son or daughter about the importance of giving this their best effort to “show off” what they have learned so far this year.MAP Growth AssessmentsWe’re looking forward to upcoming MAP Growth assessments! MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessments in Math, Reading, and Language will help teachers to understand how much students have grown in their learning this year and to know what they’ll be ready to learn in the upcoming school year.We’ll be taking these assessments in the morning during class on the following dates:Wednesday, May 15th, Friday, May 17th, and Wednesday, May 22nd. It’s important that students do their best to show all that they’ve learned this year! We are helping your student by preparing them to know what to expect on the assessment, coaching them on assessment-taking strategies, reminding them that they are capable of doing well, and shaping a structured and supportive classroom environment on those mornings.You can help your student by ensuring that they get proper sleep the evening before an assessment, feeding them a healthy breakfast on each assessment morning, and encouraging them to have a positive attitude and to do their best–this assessment is important, and they are capable!Together, we can support students in doing their best to show how much they have learned this year! There is additional information available at If you have further questions, please let me know!We are going on a field trip this Monday to Calvin College to watch a chemistry demonstration. I understand this is one of the kid’s favorite field trips that they go on while at ZCS! Should be memorable!! Please have your son or daughter bring a sack lunch with them on Monday. There will not be food or snacks to purchase there. This is the itinerary for Monday’s trip.10:45 – Meet at our 5th grade classroom for final instructions.10:50 – Leave ZCS11:30 – Arrive at Calvin College – Park in Lot 1 or 2 which is to the left of the drive as you enter off of Burton St. Let’s plan on meeting right outside of the Gezon Auditorium so that we can all walk to lunch together.11:40 – Lunch in Knollcrest on Calvin’s Campus (kids bring sack lunch)12:00 – Kids run around outside for a bit.12:10 – Walk back to the Gezon Auditorium for use of bathrooms and for Chemistry Demonstration.12:30 – Chemistry Demonstration begins.1:45 – Chemistry Demonstration ends. Head back to school.2:20 – Arrive back at ZCS – drop off in the front of schoolI know you have already received information about Mr. Hutt’s Revolutionary War walking tour tomorrow afternoon from 2:20 to 3:10, but this is just a reminder if you are planning on coming. In Science we are delving more deeply into the relationships between organisms and the transfer of energy in various food webs. In math, the two classes are working through either measurement conversions(my class) or word problems and solving equations(Mr. Hutt’s class). In Bible class, we are learning about the servant’s heart that Christ had, and how the class can constantly try to be more like Christ in that area. We are also in the early stages of setting up a chance for both of our classes to do a service project with a group nearby ZCS. The kids will tell you about their idea in their Friday blog. In ELA the class is getting close to finishing their first drafts of their personal narrative.Thanks for your prayers and support at home for my concern about the behaviors that I was seeing last week. I have to say that this week has been much better! Please continue to pray and reinforce the positives at home! Hope you have a great weekend! Blessings, Paul

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