Archive of ‘Uncategorized’ category

Spring Break

I am not going any where for spring  break .

Here are some things I hope I can do …

go to the aquatic center

jump on my trampoline

go to rebounders

swim in a pool


Star Quest

Last night we performed the musical star quest.

There were lots of people at the musical .

My mom,dad,grandpa,and grandma all came to the musical.

My favorite song was how can it be.

My favorite actress was Zita .

I had a lot of fun at the musical.


Martin Luther King jr. had a dream.

He dreamed that one day colored people

would have the same rights as white people.


Gods wind


Last night there was so much wind!

Only God could make that strong wind.

I could almost feel the wind in my house.

The trees were swaying from side to side.

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