L.A. +


If I could have anything in the world it would be 100 billion dollars. I would want this because the possibilities I could do with this are endless. What I would do with this money you ask? Well here we go, with this money I would support or even start my own missionary service so that other people can come to know Christ. Also I would get a pretty nice house because I don’t need a really good house. I would get a good car and some “toys” like a RZR and Rhinos. I would probably go sky diving as well. I could also buy a zoo or a store or some land where I can just have some fun, and maybe make more money. I would defiantly use this money to go to a SuperBowl because that is something I’ve wanted to do since I started liking football. (3rd grade about) I also would travel the world with this money. I think that it would be fun to travel all around looking at the 7 wonders of the world. I would also like to go to the Olympics and support the USA. I might even buy a professional sports team and be the GM of that sports team. Whether that team be a football team or a baseball team or even a basketball team. I think that a down part to this is that when someone (whether me or someone else) has a lot of money they tend to spend all of it like I said up there and then they forget the money they have and they loose it all and then they get into poverty and they have to live in a box down by the river. I would make sure that I would share my money with some poor people and missions around me. I think that one of the best thing to use money for is to donate money to a fund that will cure cancer. Now, I think that this is a pretty good list. Now people this is how a bucket-list is made. You imagine that you have all the money in the world and then you see what you can spend the money on. So that is the story of how a bucket-list is made.

The End. 🙂


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