Reflection on Market Day Pitch

Reflection on Market Day Pitch

3 Highlights of the Pitch
-The skit went really well.
-The presentation (keynote) went well.
-We as a company were well prepared for the pitch.

3 Possible Improvements
-Group participation, everyone involved.
-Body posture, and nerves when we first met the venture capitalist.
-We would have spent more time figuring out the math for our product, cost per one product.

How would you better prepare if you had to do it again?
-We would spend more time figuring out the cost .
-We would practice our pitch more.
-We would have more knowledge of our product.

What advice would you give next year’s 4th grade students?
-Be prepared for the pitch.
-Don’t be nervous when you walk.
-Have a good memory for the skit.
-Make the keynote good

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