Science- Volcano building

Photo on 4-29-16 at 12.32 PM

Volcanos take millions of years of hardening lava/plastic. We were told to make a volcano, and we are 3d printing ours. At the time of this post, it is not finished yet. We plan on having it erupt with diet coke and a mento. We were the only group to 3d print it. We had a plan/design executed it using 123d design, and it is currently printing. We won’t have it erupt yet, but it’s getting there.


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For Science class we built a spaghetti tower. What went well was that our tower didn’t fall, break or die.What went badly was that it clearly survived on a prayer, the top was out of shape, and most other things. My favorite part was testing them, and everyone watching the other groups attempt the earhthquake survival. My least favorite part was the stress filled moments building the tower and realizing we might not make it.