
God at Work

In Bible class we have studied about Saul and and his transformation to Paul. Saul was a Roman and Jewish citizen he was born in tarsus of Cilicia witch was a  big city and that was rare at that time of age so he had a lot of opportunity. Saul’s parents were very rick because he was able to have his own teacher and he was trained  to be a pharisee to he new the torah pretty well and he new many languages so he was able to go places to build tents because he was a tent maker. And he hated God and hated god lovers and he killed or put them in jail. But one day that all changed because when he was on his way to damascus he saw jesus and he was blinded and after a god loving man healed him he because a christian. And he went from a God hating Saul to a God loving Paul. God has a plan for him all along.

How has God been at work in my life. Well I am able to speak two languages english and Spanish so maybe God has my parents put me through Spanish Emerson so that one day  I will be able to go to a place in south america and tell people about God and to help him grow his kingdom. Also one day after V.B.S vacation bible school my mom and I went to the library and I said to a man that I saw “Do not be afraid for God is with you” and I was only like four or five so maybe God had me do that so that one day I will go and tell people. Also my neighbor does not believe  in God and Jesus so one day when we were on my trampoline I shared some things that I knew so like i said before maybe I will go and tell others.

Volcano Project

In Sience we are making volcanos my group Jenna,Me and Maggie did Mount. Fuji and we had ash,cinders and bombs and lava layers also lava flow etc.  Our volcano is  a composite and it is in japan and it is active and it has been showing signs of volcanic activity. Our volcano is not gonna explode and we made it out of a milk jug that then we tied it down with string and I am very proud of what we have made.

Christian Persecution Egypt

Last week we did our Christian Persecution P.B.L and my country was Egypt it was fun to be honest our pyramid looked like a cake because when i brought it home a bunch of little kids thought that it was food. My whole family came to the PBL so that was nice of them. And my aunt gave a $50 donation and we found a $20 on the floor by our place so in the end we raised $75. The man from voice of the martyrs  came to our station at the time we did not know it was him so we just talked to him like anybody else until he asked us if we wanted to hear a secret and he said that he was from voice of the martyrs and we were very surprised by that but in the end it was a great learning experience for me and my group. from the left to the right Maya,Me (Emma),Grace

Spaghetti Tower

In sience we are doing Spaghetti towers and our name is P.A.U.L but the towers name is the third at first we were doing great and though we had it in the bag but then the tower fell over and it was a mess all the spaghetti was breaking  but after a long run we finally got somewhere. We have our cradle at the top and the support beams all through the whole thing and it may not look like much but we got somewhere so go team.

Theme Wringing-Emma Gruessing


This is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another 1 john 4:10-11.



Have you ever wondered what lost in love is. And what it can mean to other people in the world. We can show our theme,Lost in love, to in our school and to people in the world.



Other people-

I can show the theme to other people though my actions like mowing my grandparents lawn or other older people’s lawns because they are older and can’t do it as well as they did before. Or on that same note shovel someone’s driveway because it is cold and icy and you won’t want them to fall and break a hip or a bone because they can’t do it as well because they are old. Or in the way I speak to them like use     


What this means to me-

What this means to me is that I can show the theme at school when I be nice to the younger kids because I have a brother in 2nd grade but when he was in 1st grade my friend  Syreca said hi to him he was very happy and that was the only thing he talked about. Because like when I was in 1-3 grade I knew people in my church that went to ZCS and when they would say hi to me it would make my day because they are these 5-8 graders and I was this 1-3 grade and it would just make me very happy because they noticed me. One time me and my friend syreca   said Hi to my friend Wyatt and at Gems and Cadets that night he was so happy that I this 7th grader  noticed him this 2nd grader.



What this means to me as a christian is that we can show the love of god to everyone because he loves us very much because like in the verse it says that God so loved he sent his son as a atoning sacrifice for our sins. So we can show that to others in the way we act around them like when I am with my neighbors who do not believe in God and i try to show the love of him in the way I play with them. I also show it in the way I talk to them like in the tone of my voice and in the way I talk with them is another way I could show it because same with my neighbors i talk to them in a nicer voice so I can show that I can a good person.       

Beginning of year reflections

One thing I enjoyed this year was in L.A when Mrs. Roskamp introduced us to all of her stuffed animals. When Levi H climid up on the high table and stool to put Mac and Cheese up on the screen and Creed on the proyector and the whole grade was watching us. One thing I learned is that Mrs. Roskamp get’s scared quickly because she told us a whole lot of stories about Kids in the past scaring her. Also In gym I learned that when Cort serves protect your face if your in front of him  and duck 🙂 because now I  have a light mark on my arm. One thing I am looking forward to is Fun night because now we are the big kids and we are in charge also the 8th grade play because this year I can try out for a part in the play.

Boat Races

 In class we had to do a boat trial to see who’s boat was the fastest . Our first trial went good we got got 2nd place with 8.63 seconds as a time. We are going to turn it around so it will go faster. We  hope that we do good and that our boat does not hug the sides.

What I did this Summer

This Summer I went to the Ark and Creation museum with my mom’s side of the family in Kentucky. We got to go inside the Ark and see what it might have been in the ark during the flood there was a lot of crates were the animals would have been put. It was very loud I never thought it would be that loud it got annoying after a while. There was 3 levels in the ark and one of them was sleeping courters where thy might have slept. There was information posters with information of what the people did to cause the flood it was horrible. The next day we went to  the creation museum it had stuff like the Creation, Fall and Redemption they had a lot of sections like Adam and Eve then Noah and eventually Jesus.      Later that summer in July I  went to the fair with my Aunt, 2 cousins and my 3 siblings. It was so much fun because my aunt got us kids our own Elephant ear and we did not finish it but we had fun trying. My little sister Ellie loved the fun house and she kept making me go with her lest just they there was a mirror house inside and i kept hitting my head. We were  there for 9 hours 3pm-11pm and we spent the night at my aunt’s house and hung out the next day with them still with was fun as well.

Proyecto Final

Que aprendió– La Inmigración es cuando personas vienen de un lugar a otra la razón puede ser como Guerra, o hay comida ni agua,o sólo para vivir en otras lugar. Algunas cosas que aprendí de la inmigración es que debemos darles la bienvenida porque son de otro país y saben las reglas y costumbres aquí en Estados Unidos. En la escuela hicimos un proyecto de inmigración cuando la gente vino y hablaba sobre su migración a los Estados Unidos. También Hicimos una presentación de donde nuestra familia vino. Unas cosas importantes personas deben saber que son de una diferente país y a veces están nerviosos y asustados, Sólo quieren ser bienvenidos al lugar. En 2007 el país que vino a los Estados Unidos más era México con 148,640 inmigrantes y el menor es Corea con 22,405.

Quienes somos– Yo aprendí que somos diferentes. Pero tenemos algunas cosas en común como unas cosas que tenemos en común es que somos los hijos e hijas de dios. Tenemos ojos, Narices, Bocas y piernas para caminar y brazos para tocar cosas. También somos humanos no somos perfecto para nada. Unas cosas diferentes son que las prácticas religiosas, El color de su piel, O donde vive.

Quien es El– Que dios lleva a nosotros a otros lugares para un razón. Aveces no sabemos porque puede ser para seguridad o para conocer a alguien y ser su amigo o amiga. Que significa seguir a Jesús con respecto al tema. Ser un amigo a ellos porque quizás son asustados y nerviosos porque son en un nuevo país. Aveces no saben a nadie pero a veces tienen un familia o amigos.

Quien soy Yo– La tema de immigration me afectado a yo porque muchas de mis maestras en el Escuela Primaria eran de Centroamérica  o Suramérica y esto es importante a yo. Mi familia vino de Las islas bajas y Alemania y vinieron a América para un vida mejor en los Mil Novecientos y esto es importante a mi porque es mi familia. Me cambio el pensamiento de imigration porque antes solo pienso que vinieron porque no le gusta su país entonces van a un otro. Pero a veces van porque hay un guerra y quieren ser seguro. O hay un Hambruna y no hay comida para comer.

Llama la atención– Cómo voy a vivir en un manera diferente? Voy a ser amable a todos porque no se si son inmigrantes o no. Pero hay la chance que son y yo puedo ser su amiga.  Que debemos bienvenida a todos las inmigrantes. Si tienen un visa aprovechada dejen venir. Cómo respondo a que aprendido? Que todos deben tener el chance de venir a las EEUU porque muchas personas no tenían el chance.

Kick Ball moments

Yesterday in school we watched a video called Kick Ball moments. We were asked about moments that were not fair. One I have is that my family and friends have lost someone like the Compagners and Genzinks who were both good friend of my family. The Compagners lost Dylan a good friend of mine when I was  first born to 8 yrs and died 2 weeks ago and it was just not fair. The Genzinks lost Julie Yesterday at like 7:00/8:00 at night and I new her well we went paddle boating and when i was in VBS Julie and my cousin Molly helped in my group and it was sad for my family. And HC who lost so many people this year it’s just not fair that they lost so many people. Or even like I can’t believe that the Tigres lost to the Yankees that’s not fair at all but that might just help when win next time. So those are some Kick ball moments in my life.

Unión Africana

El proceso del unión africana es Busques un país que es semejante en idea de tuyo como Kenya y Mozambique sus ideas eran semejantes y después escribes un procesos que quieren, como mi grupo,Kenya, y el grupo que juntamos a nosotros,Mozambique, queríamos que todos podían  votar independiente. Despues escribes  que el proceso es y despues leyemos que nuestro cosa es y votamos si quieren que pasa o si no pasa el  democrática es buena para un país y que education es importante porque si no tienen education no van a saber que  votar para porque no pueden leer o escribir. Yo aprendi de trabajar en un país con Jenna que necessities pensar de los personas y que es bueno para ellos y es muy divertido. Yo aprendi que  Jenna y yo  somos diferente pero acomodamos para que es el mejor idea para el país. Como voy a vivir y pernsar diferente del mundo es que no todo es el mismo aquí en el EEUU  como en Africa porque hay diferentes personas y nesesidades. Sobre los Demás es que todos tienen un opinion diferente y que todos quieren que es mejor para su país. Sobre mi mismo yo que antes solo pense en un manera pero ahora aprendido un otro manera de pensar del mundo y vivir en lo porque cuando cresco voy a trabajar la ams que puedo para ayudar a todos.


Mi informe de posicion


¿Que es la democracia?

La democracia es un forma de gobierno también todos tiene un rol en los decisiones como un familia. El Democracia es más bueno de tatalismo porque todos pueden decidir en cosas y en un voto hay mas personas de escoger de tambien no es muy violento si todo va bueno.


¿Qué son las características de una buena democrática?

En un buen democrática todos son igual y todos pueden votar.Todos tienen derechos de votar o hacer que quieren hacer.Participation publica es que todos pueden ir a todos los lugares. Expresarse libremente es que puedes ir afuera y decir que el presidente va a dar a todos helado cada dia por 2  


Eagle Huntress

Eagle Huntress is about a girl who is 13 years old and becomes the first ever female Eagle Huntress. Aisholpan is a 13 year old girl who lives in Mongolia with her Family, She always wanted to be a Eagle huntress like her Father so her dad goes and helps her train and get a eagle of her own and to do it is very difficult because the bird nest is on a cliff and the bird is struggling to get lose but she gets it and trainees it to be her hunter. She trains very hard to be a Eagle huntress and goes to the anual Eagle Festival. But the events are not easy she does it all correct and wins it all the won first place and is the first girl to compete and win. Her father and her  go up to the mountain for the birds first hunt and after a few try’s her bird gets its first fox. All the leaders did not think that a girl could be a eagle huntress they are at home backing and taking care of the kids but she should them a girl can be anything or do anything a guy can be or do.

Film Festival

Today we went to see some movies. The first one was Scale it was about  2 men who went to the desert to draw out the solar system. He went to the desert because that is the only place that there is enough room to do it and when he was done and stood at the place of Earth while the other guy held  up the sun it was the same size as the actual sun when it rose for the day it was amazing. The second one was Running Wild it was about how Wolverines the used to live in Utah but left and in the last few years they have spotted a few wolverines and some people put cameras and objects in trees so it might attract some of them and two people a man and a woman and they ran though the woods and they look at the footage of the part and in the last year they found one wolverine. Another one was the Canyon Song it was about 2 sisters and their family that go to the canyon that their ancestors lived in a canyon. They lived like their ancestors did and when their Grandfather who had to live like a White person but he was a Navaho and he needed to  cut his hair and dress like them and if he talked Navaho he would have soap in his mouth it was very impacting. One thing they all had in common was they all were about passion and outdoors.

Viaje a Europa

This entry was posted on March 10, 2017. 1 Comment

Ruby Bridges

 La information de ruby bridges unos son que ella fue el primer niña negra de ir a una escuela blanca y el prez le dio un premio en 2001.y en 1999 su hermano murio.

La independencia Cataluña

La independencia de Cataluña


Hola, hoy voy a hablar de porque cataluña debe de ser su propio país. Ellos han tratado por muchos años pero hoy.

Argumento 1:

Pienso que sí, deben ser su propio país porque tienen sus propias tradiciones como los torres humanos y muchas tradiciones más. Tienen festivales que sólo viven en su región. Sería más fácil si serían su propio país para que podrían ser su tradición, no la tradición de unas otras regiones de España.

Argumento 2:

España pide dinero. Hay prueba, Cataluña da $18 a España y España sólo da $3 a ellos. Esto no es justo para Cataluña. Sí podría ser su propio país no necesitará dar su dinero a España.

Argumento 3:

Si Cataluña será su propio país podría hacer sus propios decisiones. Ahora mismo todavía son una región de España. No tienen la libertad todavía y España hace los desiciones pero si era su propio país podría decidir sus propias decisiones. Si era su propio país podría tener una mejor economía y no el de España podía tener su propia.


Yo pienso que cataluña debe de ser su propia país. Tienen la derecha entonces porque no  hacen? Tienen muchas tradiciones y su propio lenguaje si quería su propio país podía tenerlo. España pide mucho dinero pero si era su propio país no necesitaba hacer esto. Si era su propio país podía hacer sus propios decisiones y que ellos piensen y no que España piense que es mejor.    Escriba o pegue su texto en español aquí y haga clic en el botón “Verificar el texto”.

bible protect









This entry was posted on December 20, 2016. 2 Comments

Mi familia

el link

Desafío de consumo

Cada noche 92% de las personas en América duermen en camas, pero muchos personas en México, Argentina, Colombia, España etc… duermen en el piso cada noche y no es un camino en el parque es duro y frío, y algunos necesitan porque no tienen demasiado dinero para hacerlo y en vez de  un cama es para ir a la escuela o algo como esto.    

Yo dormí  en el piso  porque quería  entender como personas sienten en otras partes del mundo o en mi ciudad propia. Cuando yo dormí en el piso era duro, era frío  ,era tan difícil porque yo solo no podía dormir muy bueno. Yo tenía 2 bolsas de dormir, un azul y un café Cuando yo era listo para dormir, mi hermana menor Clara me preguntó si podriá dormir con mi. Antes era muy enojado porque no realmente quiero que tú haces. Ella estaba preguntándome por casi 8 minutos hasta que yo finalmente  dije sí. Ella era tan feliz,tomó su bolsa de dormir y  fue justamente a mi lado, pero yo dije “más lejos por favor”. Otra noche Micah y Ellie vinieron  a mi  y dijeron  que es tiempo para despertarse y vi al reloj y dijo “Micah y Ellie es 5:30 en la mañana” ellos querían dormir con migo. Ellie estaba a mi lado y micah estaba al otro lado de mi casi no podía dormir.

Mi desafío me afectó mucho porque ahora yo entiendo mucho más como duermen muchas personas  cada noche de su vida, En E.E.U.U casi todos van a su cama y duermen para todo el noche pero en México, Perú, Brasil, y muchos más duermen en el piso y me afectó mucho. Afecto a mi familia porque mi hermana Clara quería dormir con mi para todo el noche y mi hermano Micah y hermanita Elliana(Ellie) querian dormir conmigo tambien para todo la semana pero solo dijo “un noche” y ahora pienso que ellos van a hacer cuando ellos son en el séptimo grado. Cuando crezco voy a decir a mis hijas e hijos, que cuando yo era en séptimo grado para un semana yo dormí el piso y que en otro lugares en el mundo y también en nuestro ciudad, duermen en el piso del casa porque no tienen una cama para dormir en cada noche. Todos hacen esto para un semana o dos para sentir como ellos sienten y en vez de comprar todos los electrónicos modernas como el iphone  6 ó 7 o el ipad generation 7 ó 8 y dan un poco dinero a ellos para que pueden comprar un cama. Yo aprendí que es muy duro  y no cómodo y suave, que a veces es muy frío cuando no tienes cobijas y cuando duermes puedes comer una araña o un mosquito. No es muy fácil es muy difícil  hacer porque toma mucho tiempo para dormir.

En el futuro yo se que voy a hacer algo como esto con mis hijos y nietos y quizás mis bisnietos para una semana cada año. Voy a vivir y pensar en un  manera diferente y porque el mundo no es Unicornios Suaves rosas bailando sobre arco irises, es pobre y malo. Antes que yo hice el consumo solo pensaba que todos eran felices y ricos pero, ahora yo se que no, es  el opuesto. Yo respondí que no era fácil, era difícil y duro y solo pensaba que personas en el otro lado del mundo, o en mi comunidad tienen que hacer esto cada noche, esa solo difícil imaginar. Yo no voy a hacer para un semana cada mess pero quizás para un semana cada año y voy a hacer con mi familia.