Film Festival

Today we went to see some movies. The first one was Scale it was about  2 men who went to the desert to draw out the solar system. He went to the desert because that is the only place that there is enough room to do it and when he was done and stood at the place of Earth while the other guy held  up the sun it was the same size as the actual sun when it rose for the day it was amazing. The second one was Running Wild it was about how Wolverines the used to live in Utah but left and in the last few years they have spotted a few wolverines and some people put cameras and objects in trees so it might attract some of them and two people a man and a woman and they ran though the woods and they look at the footage of the part and in the last year they found one wolverine. Another one was the Canyon Song it was about 2 sisters and their family that go to the canyon that their ancestors lived in a canyon. They lived like their ancestors did and when their Grandfather who had to live like a White person but he was a Navaho and he needed to  cut his hair and dress like them and if he talked Navaho he would have soap in his mouth it was very impacting. One thing they all had in common was they all were about passion and outdoors.

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