If I could have anything I want.

Filed under: Uncategorized — hkiekover17 at 4:49 pm on Monday, May 6, 2013  Tagged

One day Addy Kuiper and Hannah were sitting around watching their favorite movie, Mean girls. When Hannah asked a question
” What if you could go shopping anytime you want and it all be free?”
“Well that would one of the best things in the world” Said Addy
So then the next day at school, Hannah and Addy were sitting in class, Chatting it up. When all of a sudden, Justin Bieber walks threw the door and says ” Hannah Kiekover , you have just won a life time of free shopping anytime you please.” She got up and ran and gave him a hug and was so happy she began to cry. “This is something I have always wanted, Free shopping when ever I want, and eating as much as I want without getting fat, But this is amazing.”

* Three months later *
Addy and Hannah were at the River town mall, They walked into Pink, They saw so many amazing sweatshirts, shirts, yoga pants and sweat pants. Hannah picked out 6 sweatshirts, 4 shirts, and 3 yogas and 1 sweatpants. It would’ve cost over 500 but it was all free. Hannah is the happiest girl in the world.
” Man, we are so lucky this stuff has happened to us” Said Hannah
“yeah, Our invention is pretty great too.”
You see in 8th grade Addy and Hannah made a pacifier that glows in the dark and they made billions. They were billionaires at 14. So they are both rich. But Hannah can go shopping and everything she gets is free. And well Addy, she boat a yot and filled it with shoes so that when they go sailing they never run out of shoes, and they always are looking good. But when they go shopping, They get basically new wardrobes every time. Hannah’s 2 closets are filled with clothes. And So is Addy’s closet. But have no fear. They are not spoiled brats. Even though they get a lot they give back their old clothes and such to less wealthy. And their parents wont let them be spoiled brats. So have no fear.
” Dude we have so many clothes, this is so amazing.” Said Hannah
“Dude I know” Said Addy
And they always were very stylish even on those days were they are scrubbing it, They look good. So this affected them in a good way, because they always had nice clothes and their parents wouldn’t let them be spoiled brats. So thank you Justin Bieber for making Hannah Kiekover’s dreams come true. And thank you Niall Horan for making Addy Kuiper’s dreams come true as well.

If I could have anything I want is unlimited free shopping. I love shopping so that would be the best thing ever. Or as I said eating as much food without getting fat.

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