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Anika's work is good

The Underground Railroad: Tell the story

Question #1

My jobs where I would make tabaco for the adults and the sons to. When it was dark I would go in the house and wash the dogs and the dishes and then I would sweep the floors and mop. I would rest in a small shack and sleep for 3 hours and when it was morning I would hear a bell and a loud scream for me to do my morning chores. My morning chores were I would make breakfast and make tea then I would get a piece of bread and then I would have to get back to work. O I forgot to tell you where I live I live in a very large country and we don’t have any neighbors but the people that I work for we have a very big piece of land in kentucky and to me my shack is pretty big but to the people I work for it is like a crumb. And the fields are like 100

times the size of my shack but to me its a good size for a slave.


Question #2

I waited till it was dark and then I packed a bag of chips a blanket and a pillow I went to the shack and said goodby to my small shack and headed for the woods when it was morning I

heard foot steps click clack I packed up my stuff and climbed up a tree but then I realized that it was my owners dogs and they knew my sent so I climbed to the other side of the tree killed a big rat and threw the heart by the dog so they thought it was mine and they took off with it and I was free to go.


Question # 3

When I got there safely I came across kind and hard headed people and kind of strict people but when I walked into a barber shop and met a nice girl and her name was Susan. We became friends we did all most everything together one time we even snuck back to are old slave houses and made a mess in the house before they woke up. We would go to stores together and buy almost the same things. We even lived in the same house.


well that is the story of the time I escaped from slavery and met a new friend and got a better life. Thanks for reading.


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