Market Day Prediction

What are you most excited about for Market Day?

I am excited to dee how many products we are going yo sell and how much money we are going to make too. I am also excited about seeing other businesses sell their own product and how wel they do

What are the strengths of our group? How will this held today?

We are good at working together. This will help because we will all get a turn to go up and talk to the customer and show them what to do. And that will help because we will all feel successful and be proud of what we did TOGETHER.

What are you most nervous about for Market Day? Why am I nervous about it?

I am nervous that they won’t sell. I’m afraid that if there is a duct tape that they really want and if it is all sold out they don’t want it any more and we will lose customers.

Do I think we will sell all of our product? Why or why not?

Yes because lots of people in our class like them and ask if they can shoot them. And people say that people are talking about them. I feel confident that we sell most of our guns.

What will you do if my group doesn’t sell anything?

We will probably sell 2 for $2.00 and hopefully people will come to our booth.

How will we remain positive even if things are not going as planned?

We will remain positive by thinking maybe they are debating on a product and ours or they are just looking around.

What will we do if we sell everything? How will we stay humble?

If we sell everything and the booth next to us isn’t doing so great then we will ask if they need help and if they say no we will just say, “Your doing great!” and maybe that will help them.

What id the overall prediction?

I think we might sell all of the guns if not at least in the 40s. (We made 50 guns)

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