Dollar a Day

The video Dollar a Day made me feel bad for all the people in less developed countries. While watching the video I saw all the children hanging on by a thread to survive. Maybe they don’t have enough money for food or not enough money to get a proper education. When I saw the people who went to Guatemala teach the little kids how to speak Spanish or English it made me feel good because they want to help these kids learn more when their families can’t afford enough to pay for education.

I learned that they make so little money because they don’t have formal jobs to support or make enough moneys for their families. I learned that in Guatemala that things they buy seem expensive to us because it is such little amount of money, but to them it seems like a fortune. I saw that medication is 25 dollars. To the people there that’s a lot.

We can help by going on mission trips, holding fundraisers or anything you can do to raise money for the people in less developed countries. It’s not that hard to raise a little money for the needy. You just need to commit to raising money for the people that actually need it.