Spagetti tower

What went well:

Our tower had a good structure and stood up after the the marshmallows hardened.

What went wrong:

The base didn’t hold the rest of the tower so we had to take the bottom off so it wouldn’t fall over

What was my favorite part:

My favorite part:

My favorite part was working with my friends and getting to be the architect.

My least favorite part:

My least favorite part was when I wasn’t at school and they took the tower apart without me.

The Carbon Cycle

The carbon cycle doesn’t start or end but, where I am going to start explaining it is in the air. The carbon or CO2 gets absorbed into the green plants like trees. The animals and plants respire and but the carbon back into the air. Then the trees and animals die and become decaying matter and gives off Carbon and goes into the ground to make fossil fuels. The Fossil fuels then power the factories. The factories then use combustion to but the carbon back into the air to star the cycle over again.

