Mexico City Google Maps

Zeeland and Mexico city are two different places around the world. Mexico city has everything in Spanish because that is the language they speech. They have flat square houses and we have triangular roves and houses. They also have some different restaurants there maybe be some restaurants that we have in Zeeland that are the same food, but they are very different. They also have some similarities like in Mexico city they have office max, home depo, sears, ect. They also have a lot of the car models there. There roads are the same too. They have stop lights, roads are paved, ect.

Amazon Forest Use

I am defending the Native Amazonians. They use the land well, they don’t cut down a lot of trees, they get there food from hunting and gathering.  The Amazonians where there since the beginning and like to keep it the same. They want the forrest to stay full of it’s forestsry and use it’s natural resources.

        Unlike the Native Amazonians, the Loggers pollute the land and cut large amounts of trees down. Settlers are farmers which means they would have to cut down the trees to farm. Just like the Setters the cattle ranchers need space for there cows. The Environmentalists study the Amazon which means they aren’t even using the forrest they just study it.