God’s Preparation

I feel that God has been preparing me through my school closing down. At the time I didn’t think it was such a good thing but now I know that it was all God working in me so I could come to Zeeland Christian and get the experience of going to the Philippines. The Philippines was one of the best experiences I have had in my entire life it changed me so much and I hope God uses that for me in the future. I never want to forget what I learned. I would love to share with everyone what I learned but I don’t think I am ready to be so vulnerable but at the same time I want everyone to understand what I learned and be a testimony but I don’t really know how yet.  I think God is using my knowlage from Freedom Christian and Zeeland Christian and the Philippines to combine and help me in the future. I also hope God will use my abilities with sports, acting, and being social in the future to help with his plan. I can’t wait to see what God has in store and I hope it involves what I have learned from the Philippines.



Ideal church vs. Early church

Ibn Bible class we made a list of our ideal church and the early church and contrasted them. For example on thing from our Ideal church was a breakfast Buffett and for the early church was always being together. This is very different from each other and we should be more like the early church and be a community but also they should get more comfy chairs to sit in because my butt starts to hurt after awhile.