June 3


Follow The Hard But Right Path

By: Alyson Vikstrom

Did you ever go on a hard journey? I want to tell you about a dangerous journey that my class read together. Christian followed the hard but right path. Following the hard but right path will bring you closer to God. Of course there are temptations that will happen in your life. The temptations will draw you away from God. The temptations that draws you away from God would lead you to sin. Even threw that temptation God loves you and he is not going to give up on you.Don’t think that God is not willing to forgive you for your sins. God will accept anyone who wants to be forgiven. That is why God sent his son to die on the cross for our sins so we have a chance to be with him forever at the Celestial City. Following the hard but right path also gives strength for what temptation lays upon you next.


Follow the hard but right path because the journey you’re on will bring you closer to God. For an example Christian’s dangerous journey drew him closer to God. As Christian goes on and following the hard but right path that leads to the Celestial City and he is growing in his faith in God. For another example have you ever went on a mission trip? If you have gone on a mission trip did the mission trip increase your faith in God? I heard about some eighth graders in Zeeland Christian School who went to the Philippians which is all the way across the world. Mr. VanDyk Zeeland Christian School’s principal said that the filipinos have so little and yet there are so happy. It would change my heart when they have so little and we have so much and we are not happy with what we have instead we are greedy and jealous and we want more. Would that change the things that you think of or change what you do?


Follow the hard but right path to avoid the temptations that lead to sin. For an example Christian was following the hard but right path on the way to the Celestial City. On the way to the Celestial City, Christian took some shortcuts and that lead him to evil things and the evil things can make you not think that God will not Forgive you. For example pretended you believe in God and if  you already believe in God please think about your faith. Place yourself in Christian place does that sound like you? I admit that I sin and I make bad choices and no one is perfect. Don’t think  you are the only one who is not perfect and sins the most. Do you think that you would do like Christian did? What would be struggles in your life? Will you and your family try to avoid the temptations that you face?


While following the hard but right path know that God will always forgive you. If y0u fall into sin don’t say God will never forgive you because he will if you wanted to be forgiven. No matter how many times you fall into sin and ask God for his forgiveness  he will forgive but you will have to try not to do what ever you done again. God loves you because you are his child and same goes with everyone.



Following the hard but right path also gives strength for what temptation lays upon you next. For an example God has been with you through all those hard temptations or sins and if your faith in God increase you have more strength for the next temptation.


I hope that you learned something new from this essay on why to following the hard but right path. Following the hard but right path will bring you closer to God, to avoid the temptations that lead to sin, God will always forgive you, And the best following the hard but right path also gives strength for what temptation lays upon you next.


Posted June 3, 2015 by avikstrom23 in category Uncategorized

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