September 16


El Guatemala en control america.  La países cerca es Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, y Belize.  La Océanos están cerca es Pacific Océanos. La  bandera colores es azul, blanco.  La capital nombre es Guatemala. 2000px-baja_verapaz_in_guatemala-svgguatemala-flag


June 3


Follow The Hard But Right Path

By: Alyson Vikstrom

Did you ever go on a hard journey? I want to tell you about a dangerous journey that my class read together. Christian followed the hard but right path. Following the hard but right path will bring you closer to God. Of course there are temptations that will happen in your life. The temptations will draw you away from God. The temptations that draws you away from God would lead you to sin. Even threw that temptation God loves you and he is not going to give up on you.Don’t think that God is not willing to forgive you for your sins. God will accept anyone who wants to be forgiven. That is why God sent his son to die on the cross for our sins so we have a chance to be with him forever at the Celestial City. Following the hard but right path also gives strength for what temptation lays upon you next.


Follow the hard but right path because the journey you’re on will bring you closer to God. For an example Christian’s dangerous journey drew him closer to God. As Christian goes on and following the hard but right path that leads to the Celestial City and he is growing in his faith in God. For another example have you ever went on a mission trip? If you have gone on a mission trip did the mission trip increase your faith in God? I heard about some eighth graders in Zeeland Christian School who went to the Philippians which is all the way across the world. Mr. VanDyk Zeeland Christian School’s principal said that the filipinos have so little and yet there are so happy. It would change my heart when they have so little and we have so much and we are not happy with what we have instead we are greedy and jealous and we want more. Would that change the things that you think of or change what you do?


Follow the hard but right path to avoid the temptations that lead to sin. For an example Christian was following the hard but right path on the way to the Celestial City. On the way to the Celestial City, Christian took some shortcuts and that lead him to evil things and the evil things can make you not think that God will not Forgive you. For example pretended you believe in God and if  you already believe in God please think about your faith. Place yourself in Christian place does that sound like you? I admit that I sin and I make bad choices and no one is perfect. Don’t think  you are the only one who is not perfect and sins the most. Do you think that you would do like Christian did? What would be struggles in your life? Will you and your family try to avoid the temptations that you face?


While following the hard but right path know that God will always forgive you. If y0u fall into sin don’t say God will never forgive you because he will if you wanted to be forgiven. No matter how many times you fall into sin and ask God for his forgiveness  he will forgive but you will have to try not to do what ever you done again. God loves you because you are his child and same goes with everyone.



Following the hard but right path also gives strength for what temptation lays upon you next. For an example God has been with you through all those hard temptations or sins and if your faith in God increase you have more strength for the next temptation.


I hope that you learned something new from this essay on why to following the hard but right path. Following the hard but right path will bring you closer to God, to avoid the temptations that lead to sin, God will always forgive you, And the best following the hard but right path also gives strength for what temptation lays upon you next.


May 21

Market Day Reflection

Market Day Reflection

By: Alyson Vikstrom

Write about one thing you learned from Collaboration at market day reflection.

Everyone had a part to do with the market day preparing in our group.   

    Write about one thing you learned from Critical thinking.

It took a lot of thinking to decide what the price is for our product.

Write about one thing you learned from Creativity.

If you decorate it yourself you can think of creativity ways you could decorate our marshmallow shooters.

Write about one thing you learned from Communication

 Communicating with our group helps us know what we are planning to do. Communicating with our group also can help us with ideas especially with hard decisions.

    What was the best thing about Market Day?

We had enough to give to Abegail’s for her education    

What is  one thing I  would change if  I had to do it again?

I would change our product to a gumball machine.

    What is the most important thing you learned from Market Day?

We each had a part to do at market day and we had to agree on things not always disagree.

How will this impact your future learning?

If I ever work at a restaurant the people who work there with me at the restaurant needs to agree with what a certain person is supposed to do.   

May 14

Do not litter

Do Not Litter

By: Alyson Vikstrom

Did you ever litter? If you did this essay is for you and  I recommend you shouldn’t litter any more. Littering is bad for the environment. Animals live in outside environment If you litter there the animals may try to eat the plastic or the other material that you littered with, most of the animals can get plastic around them and it chokes them, Another reason that littering is bad because we litter and we do not take care of this problem that is happening to the animals. I littered couple of times but when I read the article An Ocean of plastic and heard that animals were dying because of us littering or the animals that are trying to eat the plastic. I want others not to litter for the sake of the animals and the environment.

Littering is bad for the environment because the stuff that we littered with will blow around if it is windy. Where the garbage blows is usually a habitat of an animal. For an example in the article An Ocean of plastic that garbage goes into the ocean. We have to stop littering so that the environment is not full of garbage.

Littering is also bad for animals because  the animals try to eat the garbage that we litter with. It ends up around their necks and will choke them. If they swallow the garbage they would have a hard time to digest the garbage.

Littering is bad because we litter and we do not take care of this problem that is happening to the animals. For an example people throw garbage on the ground and it blows into a habitat if an animal and the animal gets it around it’s neck. Some people do not care if the animal chokes to death.

I hope for now on you do not litter because littering is bad for the environment, littering is also bad for animals, and the last reason that littering is bad is that we litter and we do not take care of this problem that is happening to the animals.


May 14

Name Alyson Ruth Vikstrom   Company Marshmallow Shooters

Market Day – Pitch Reflection

Consider the following questions and answer them completely. Use complete sentences and proper conventions. Show that you have really reflected on the questions. Write your answers to the questions on your blog.

  1. How do you think your pitch went? Summarize the parts of your pitch in 3 to 5 sentences.

The pitch went ok ,when Ainsley ,Oliver ,and I went into the long room and there were five people including Mr. Bouman in their seats. I felt a little shy and that I would pass out. When we were in the middle of the pitch it went better than I thought. Our presentation went well.At the end of the presentation we just had to get an offer. I was excited that we got a least one offer but even better we got two offers. One of of the people that made an offer was named Jonathan. The other person that made a deal with us was named Franky. Jonathan’s deal was he would give us the $50.00 if we give him $1.00 extra then we offered him.Franky would give us the $50 dollars that we needed and the $5.00 that we offered plus a free marshmallow shooter which will make us lose $2.50 because we are making 40 marshmallow shooters and and selling the marshmallow shooters for one shooter is $2.50. We went with Jonathan’s deal because he wanted to have $56.00. Franky wanted the $55 and a free marshmallow shooter for a life time use. and that will be only $1.50 different then Franky’s offer.

  1. What went well?

The part of the presentation when we made eye contact with the venture capitalist. I Thought that it was better to look at venture capitalist when we are explaining or talking to them.Then to look at the computer when we are talking to the venture capitalist.

  1. What did not go so well?

The paper about expenses and the material did not go so well because we forgot one of the materials on the paper (the marshmallows) I can’t believe that we forgot the marshmallows!!!! I thought in my mind when it was mentioned.

  1. Describe the setting where your pitch took place.

A long room with a big table  and there were five people including Mr. Bouman in their seats ready to hear our pitch.

  1. How did you feel before, during, and after the pitch?

Before the pitch I felt nervous that our product was too expensive and that Oliver, Ainsley, and me not get a offer. in the middle of the pitch it went better than I thought. At the end of the pitch I was so excited that we got  two offers.

  1. Reflect on your preparation. Do you think you were well prepared? Why or why not?

Yes we were because we did not forget anything that we had to do because we practised a lot.

  1. If you could do the pitch again, what would you do differently?

to Explain more about the topic that we are telling the venture capitalist.

  1. What questions from the Venture Capitalists surprised you?

the question that surprised me is this question “will customers buy your marshmallow shooters?” Because all the years that I been at school all the marshmallow shooters out.

  1. What three recommendations would you give to another entrepreneur of your age?

One of my recommendations is that you should practice a lot on your pitch. I also recommend is that should try your very best to be confident not scared. The last thing that I recommend is that you should have a product that is a good selling thing.

  1. What offers did you receive and accept from the Venture Capitalists?

One of the offers was that Jonathan would give us  the $50.00 if we give him $1.00 extra then we offered him. The offer that made was that Franky

would give us the $50 dollars that we needed and the $5.00 that we offered plus a free marshmallow shooter. We went Jonathan’s offer because he only wanted $56. Franky’s the extra marshmallow shooter and we would lose $1.50 if we went with Franky’s offer.

  1. Now, watch the video of your pitch. Any new insights?


are making 40 marshmallow shooters and and selling the marshmallow shooters for one shooter is $2.50. We went with Jonathan’s deal because he wanted to have $56.00. Franky wanted the $55 and a free marshmallow shooter for a life time use. and that will be only $1.50 different then Franky’s offer.

  1. What went well?

The part of the presentation when we made eye contact with the venture capitalist. I Thought that it was better to look at venture capitalist when we are explaining or talking to them.Then to look at the computer when we are talking to the venture capitalist.

  1. What did not go so well?

The paper about expenses and the material did not go so well because we forgot one of the materials on the paper (the marshmallows) I can’t believe that we forgot the marshmallows!!!! I thought in my mind when it was mentioned.

  1. Describe the setting where your pitch took place.

A long room with a big table  and there were five people including Mr. Bouman in their seats ready to hear our pitch.

  1. How did you feel before, during, and after the pitch?

Before the pitch I felt nervous that our product was too expensive and that Oliver, Ainsley, and me not get a offer. in the middle of the pitch it went better than I thought. At the end of the pitch I was so excited that we got  two offers.

  1. Reflect on your preparation. Do you think you were well prepared? Why or why not?

Yes we were because we did not forget anything that we had to do because we practised a lot.

  1. If you could do the pitch again, what would you do differently?

to Explain more about the topic that we are telling the venture capitalist.

  1. What questions from the Venture Capitalists surprised you?

the question that surprised me is this question “will customers buy your marshmallow shooters?” Because all the years that I been at school all the marshmallow shooters out.

  1. What three recommendations would you give to another entrepreneur of your age?

One of my recommendations is that you should practice a lot on your pitch. I also recommend is that should try your very best to be confident not scared. The last thing that I recommend is that you should have a product that is a good selling thing.

  1. What offers did you receive and accept from the Venture Capitalists?

One of the offers was that Jonathan would give us  the $50.00 if we give him $1.00 extra then we offered him. The offer that made was that Franky

would give us the $50 dollars that we needed and the $5.00 that we offered plus a free marshmallow shooter. We went Jonathan’s offer because he only wanted $56. Franky’s the extra marshmallow shooter and we would lose $1.50 if we went with Franky’s offer.

  1. Now, watch the video of your pitch. Any new insights?


April 23

Investing in our Marshmallow Shooters!

Investing in our Marshmallow Shooters Will be the Best Shot you Ever Take.
By: Ainsley VandenBrink, Oliver VanDenBerg, and Alyson Vikstrom

Have you ever done a fundraiser that can help others with their needs? Thats where you come in and help us do a fundraiser for Abigail Bautista. investing in our company will help support Abigail’s education in Grace Community Christian School.Investing in our company will get profit, the product is popular, and last but not least we will give $24.00 to Abegail.Investing in our company will be the best shot you ever take and here are the extended reasons why.

1. Our company will make a profit because we can make the marshmallow shooters cheap and sell them for $1.25 more cents. revenue $2.50 – expense 1.25 = profit 1.25 Investing in our company will bring a positive return to everyone involved. Last year when I was buying a marshmallow sling shot there was a big line and they sold out. lots of people like to have marshmallow slingshots or marshmallow shooters.

2. investing in our company will be the best shot you ever take because our product is very fun. it shoots tasty treats that make snack time a whole lot more fun. The shooter can be used to blow a marshmallow into someones mouth. You can shoot a marshmallow in the air move your shooter and catch it in your mouth. Marshmallow Shooters are also fun because you can have wars with them.

3. investing in our company will be the best shot you ever take because we give 24 dollars to Abigail and her family so she can go to a christian school. Christian education is important for Abigail to have because where Abigail lives they barely get any money to provide for their needs.We want to give some money to her school for Abigail’s education and supplies for her at Grace Community Christian school. This is also good for Abigail’s family so they can save some money for any situation they need their money for. We want Abegail to go to a Christian school so that she will learn more about Christ.

investing in our company will be the best shot you ever take because 1. we will make money, 2. marshmallow shooters are popular, and 3. we give $24.00 to Abigail and her family. thank you for reading our essay and I hope you are convinced that investing in our company will be the best shot you take.

April 23

Every kid should have a preschool budy

Every kid should have a preschool buddies
By:Alyson Vikstrom
Do you have a preschool buddie? If you do not have a preschool buddie you should have one preschooler to be your buddie. Cause they can give you comfort another reason you can make relationships with preschool buddies. In addition we (older kids) can learn responsibility. Also the younger kid gets influence on how to act in school. Another reason is that the little kids are no longer afraid of adults or older kids. Or it brings good memories. Many people that don’t spend time with preschoolers think that preschoolers are just a waste of time but I think that preschoolers are fun and not a waste of time.

Every kid or adult should have a preschool buddie because preschoolers give you joy or comfort. I used to think that preschool buddies were not a joy or that they didn’t comfort but now I realized that I was wrong. For example once I get to the preschoolers room and get with my preschool buddie I feel comfortable with my preschool buddie. She gives my joy I also feel comfortable with her. This is important because it’s good to be with different people that is not your age so you can learn how to get along with little children or older children.

Another reason is that you can make relationships with each other (your buddie)
For an example I feel an relationship with my preschool buddie because we get to visit them and we get to play with each other. Another example is that I have fun with them and when I feel a little sad or my day was bad my buddy cheers me up and I don’t have a bad day any more. I feel that God’s grace is in my preschool buddy.

Every kid should have a preschool buddy because the older student learns responsibility. For an example once we go sledding with our buddy we make sure that our buddy is safe and that they don’t get hit with a sled or don’t get hurt. What think this says about me is that I am responsible for younger kids.

On the other hand younger kids get influence on how to act in school. One time last year my preschool buddy did not listen to one of the rules. He kept on working on it and he finally obeyed the rule and now he knows he knows how to act or obey the rules in school. The reason for this is that everyone should obey the rules in school so you will be safe or others will be safe.

This is giving me the idea that it is also good because your buddy might not be scared of you any more after a long time together. Once I was in preschool and I had two boys as my buddy I felt scared at first then I got use to them. This is similar to when I go to my preschool buddy my preschool buddy is a little shy and she does not say much at all.

This makes me realize that there is one more thing about having preschool buddies. I have good memories of what a fun time we had.I can not stop thinking about all the fun. This connects with when my cousin (Febe) and I have so much fun and I always have good memories about Febe and I.

This is why having a preschool buddy is good. I hope you know how important it is to have a preschool buddie because you can make relationships with others and they can give you comfort, also the older kid has responsibility, younger kid gets influence on how to act in school, and the little kids are not scared of big kids or adults, and last but not least is that you may have good memories. So what are you wanting for go ask an adult if you can have a preschool buddy.

March 25


Contentment is not the Fulfillment of what want,but the Realization of how much you already have
By: Alyson Vikstrom

Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have. People with material possessions in abundance can lack contentment. People should be happy with what they have. We should not be worried about what we have or look like.

People with material possessions in abundance can lack contentment. One day my neighbor (Abby) wanted an owl hand sanitiser holder. She wanted mine. But it was too precious so I didn’t give her it. But she kept on bothering me. So my mother bought two owl hand sanitizer. One for Abby and one for my cousin Febe.

People should be happy with what they have.
For an example Zeke said “I am glad that I have friends and I am happy that I go to Zeeland Christian School.”
Claire said “I am happy that God gave his son.”
Evan said “ I am happy because God gave me gifts.”

We should not be worried about what we have or look like,
because it does not matter in life of what you have or look like. But what does matter is to be content (being happy with what we have or look like)

This is why contentment is good. So People with material possessions can learn how to be content ,also people will be happy with what they have, and people would not be worried about what we have or look like.

March 6

My faith story!

My faith story

By: Alyson Viktrom

  1. What do I believe?

I believe that God is my savior. It is hard for me to be kind always to others or to respect them. I’m not perfect but Christ died for me well I was still a sinner. I needed God to come and rescue me from my sins and evil deeds. God listened and he sent his son. Jesus died for me and you.

  1.     How does this affect what I do everyday?

It affects how I learn and hear about God. God is my redeemer and the light of the world. God knows me from heart and no one else does.

  1. What would I want people to know about my faith?

I want other people to know what some of my thoughts about God and how they forgive others when they sin. Jesus is the true light but some people like the darkness of sin.

  1. What are some of my goals as a Christian?

– To share God’s word

-Show kindness(God’s love by actions or words)

-Never to forget God in any circumstances


March 6

Every kid should have a preshool buddies

Every kid should have a preschool buddies

By:Alyson Vikstrom

Do you have a preschool buddie? If you do not have a preschool buddie you should have one preschooler to be your buddie. Cause they can give you comfort another reason you can make relationships with preschool buddies. In addition we (older kids) can learn responsibility. Also the younger kid gets influence on how to act in school. Another reason is that the little kids are no longer afraid of adults or older kids. Or it brings good memories. Many people that don’t spend time with preschoolers think that preschoolers are just a waste of time but I think that preschoolers are fun and not a waste of time.


Every kid or adult should have a preschool buddie because preschoolers give you joy or comfort. I used to think that preschool buddies were not a joy or that they  didn’t comfort but now I realized that I was wrong. For example once I get to the preschoolers room and get with my preschool buddie I feel comfortable with my preschool buddie. She gives my joy I also feel comfortable with her. This is important because it’s good  to be with different people that is not your age so you can learn how to get along with little children or older children.


Another reason is that you can make relationships with each other (your buddie)

For an example I feel an relationship with my preschool buddie because we get to visit them and we get to play with each other. Another example is that I have fun with them and when I feel a little sad or my day was bad my buddy cheers me up and I don’t have a bad day any more. I feel that God’s grace is in my preschool buddy.

Every kid should have a preschool buddy because the older student learns responsibility. For an example once we go sledding with our buddy we make sure that our buddy is safe and that they don’t get hit with a sled or  don’t get hurt. What think this says about me is that I am responsible for younger kids.


On the other hand younger kids get influence on how to act in school. One time last year my preschool buddy did not listen  to one of the rules. He kept on working on it and he finally obeyed the rule and now he knows he knows how to act or obey the rules in school. The reason for this is that everyone should obey the rules in school so you will be safe or others will be safe.


This is giving me the idea that it is also good because your buddy might not be scared of you any more after a long time together. Once I was in preschool and I had two boys as my buddy I felt scared at first then I got use to them. This is similar to when I go to my preschool buddy my preschool buddy is a little shy and she does not say much at all.


This makes me realize that there is one more thing about having preschool buddies. I have good memories of what a fun time we had.I can not stop thinking about all the fun. This connects with when my cousin (Febe) and I have so much fun and I always have good memories about Febe and I.

This is why having a preschool buddy is good. I hope you know how important it is to have a preschool buddie because you can make relationships with others and they can give you comfort, also the older kid has responsibility, younger kid gets influence on how to act in school, and the little kids are not scared of big kids or adults, and last but not least is that you may have good memories. So what are you wanting for go ask an adult if you can have a preschool buddy.

February 12

Every kid should be kind

Every kid should be kind

By:Alyson Vikstrom

Did you know that not being kind can damage your relationship with others that you love and friends? It’s hard for everyone to do everything perfect in the exact  way you what it. But when you are kind you can start making relationship with others and start making friends you also Should not hurt people so you will not hurt others peoples feelings. The most best thing is that you will not only be kind to others but you will be kind to God.


Every kid should be kind because it’s a good way to start making friends. For an example I was in gems I wanted to sit by one of my friends (named Abby) I was just about to sit down on my chair by Abby.But my friend (Ava) pulled  my chair back to sit by me.I went to sit down and I fell on the ground hard. I was busting into tears. My mom told me to go to a different table. I tried to tell my mom I was there first but my mom did not listen. All of my friends were telling Ava that I was there first and she took my chair. After gems my friend Abby asked me if I was all right ( I was not) but she made me feel better. She was so very kind. Another example is that once I was lonely my little sister always played with me.


Every kid should be kind cause so they would not be mean and hurt others feelings. Once my brother (Justin) was taking my little sisters (Emily) ball. I took the ball out of Justin’s hand and gave it to Emily. One time Emily was being mean to me plus saying bad words  and that hurt my feelings.


And now the most best reason if you be kind to others you are not only kind to others you are also kind to God. One time I was at my friends house (Isabella’s house) Isabella wanted to do something or play something. I wanted to do something else. Isabella let me do the thing I wanted with her.


I hope you know why being kind is a good thing because you get new friends and being kind so you will not hurt others feelings also to be kind to others when you are really being kind to God.

January 30

Pinball Final Post

Pinball-Example-2b4og47 (1) unnamed


Pinball  Reflection

By: Alyson Vikstrom

  • Is the pinball  machine more scientific than you thought?

Yes, all  of the electric circuits like a light, a fan are scientific because they have electricity. I did not know how much electric can be so scientific. The other things on the pinball machine that is so scientific is  magnets because the magnets attract when you put them close together.


  • What is one (or more) things you learned?

-Newton’s laws of motion

  1.  (Inertia)
  2.  (mXa=force )
  3.    ( action & reaction)


  • What is one (or more)  things that surprised you?

One of the things that surprised me is that making a light bulb light up takes a lot of work. Because sometimes it does not work or it just gets messed up.


  • What were the joys of working in a group?

That we had great ideas ,and thoughts,also suggestions.

And also to work as a group.


  • What were some struggles of working in a group?

Well we did not know who did certain parts.

And I did not know what my group was doing ( my group always going ahead of me)


  • In general… for future group work.

I think that this is a great experience for working in a group. In the future when I will work with a group I will be used to it.


  • Mention specific ways you can grow before Market Day.

  • To not get mad at people when they are trying do something
  • To listen ( so I can  understand)  

December 12


Pinball-Marbles On Ramp


Paragraph  #1

I learned from the last experiment…

That the higher the angle is the more speed it has.   I also learned that the smaller the marble the more speed it has.  Another thing is that with a larger marble, gravity uses more force , causing more friction.

I also learned that the smaller ball accelerates  more at the beginning.