Wave Erosion

This week in science we learned about different types of erosion and I was assigned to present about wave erosion.I learned that erosion happens along seashores when large waves, tides, and currents hit rock. Water is always moving back and forth, because of this seashores are constantly changing. In our model we showed what a seashore looks like before erosion and what features form after erosion. Some of the features the you can see on the left (the after erosion part of the model ) are a spit, breakers, rocky headlands, a wave cut cliff, a wave cut platform, a sea stack, abrasion and others.



Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , May 14, 2015


This week in science class we built a shield volcano out of play dough. I learned about all of the different parts that make up a volcano.

Photo on 4-16-15 at 12.12 PM

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , April 16, 2015

Christian Persecution in Iran


Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , April 1, 2015

The Stoning of Stephen

Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 8.10.03 AM

Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 8.10.21 AM

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , February 3, 2015

Corte Suprema

En los últimos meses aprendimos sobre la corte suprema y el caso de Anthony Elonis. Elonis puso amenazas en Facebook que recibieron mucho atención de personas en todos lugares. La pregunta que todos los jueces necesitaban tener en mente era si la persona usual consideraría a las palabras de Elonis como amenazas. Yo pienso que Elonis debe de ser encarcelado por sus palabras.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  January 6, 2015

Spaghetti and Marshmallow Tower

This week in science we started with a budget of $4,875 and were told to design, build, and test a structure to withstand an earthquake while holding an egg. We used multiple web sites to find information on how to build our tower. These websites all contributed to our tower in different ways. They taught us how to have a stable structure with little supplies required, that the most important part of having a stable structure is a strong base, and that triangles are the shape that holds the most weight. Next we made a drawing of our towers and then we made the actual towers using our drawings. Here is a picture of our tower:

Photo on 12-15-14 at 2.11 PM

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  December 15, 2014

The Holy Spirit

This week I leaned that many things about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is one with God the Father and Jesus the Son, together they are the trinity. Although they are completely separate persons they are also in every way united. He always has existed and always will, knows all, and is everywhere. The Holy Spirit is in every way a living person. His mission is to inspire us to be Jesus’ witnesses by living in us. In the bible He shows up through wind, fire, and in the form of a dove. I believe that all of these things show Him in a different light yet each representation is as accurate as the next. Wind shows us how He is everywhere though sometimes we feel that He is very distant. Fire shows us that he is powerful, intricate, and to be feared. The dove shows us that He brings peace to our unstable, ever changing lives. He was sent to help us, to be with us and to show us the line between His truth and satins lies.


The Holy Spirit is at work in every aspect of my life. He has lived inside me for almost all my life and because of that I am constantly reminded of my duty to follow his lead and love others. I know that He lives because I have experienced His presence through incredible peace in the midst of difficulties. Through being overwhelmed with God’s love. Through never feeling lonely when I am alone. With Him I am able to find joy and purpose, friendship and belonging, wisdom and life.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  December 9, 2014

Math Post 3

For the past month I have been learning about angles. One of the things that I have more specifically learned recently is the names so angles right, acute, obtuse, complementary and supplementary. I can use this in real life if I am ever building something people can tell me what kinds of angles I  need to use and I will be able to build it correctly.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  November 21, 2014

Thoughts on Bowling

Yesterday I got to skip school to go bowling. I had a lot of fun with my friends. Sophie, Tori, Libby and I played each other the first round I won and the second round I gutter balled every ball. Either way I enjoyed taking pictures, eating, bowling and overall having a awesome time.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized November 12, 2014

Jesus’ Crucifixion

This week we learned about Jesus’ last seven phrases on the cross before he died. The one that is hardest for me to live out is desire that forgiveness be granted. I can get batter at forgiving people by spending time thinking about who I need to forgive and then choosing every day not to hold a grudge. It is also important that I admit what I do wrong and ask God and others for forgiveness.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  November 11, 2014

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