Math Post 2

Mr. DeVries is making a large square animal cookie jar out of clay. Each side is 16ft, long to decorate it he wants to put a ribbon diagonally across the corners.  How long should the ribbon be?

a squared + b squared = c squared when making a right triangle, therefor to solve this problem a and b are 16ft and we need to find the value of c. 16 squared is 256. 256 + 256 = 512.   512 = c squared. In order to get on it’s own you would need to fin the square root of 512, witch is roughly 22.63. With this information we can know that the length of the ribbon should be about 22.63 ft.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  November 3, 2014


I am learning many things in math this year. One out of this abundance of things is the Pythagorean Theorem. This is the concept that  a squared plus b squared will always be equal to c squared. This will help me often in day to day life in the future. Whenever I am required to make a right angle, for example, maybe when drawing a perfectly square table / diagram or maybe making a square clay pot in art class, I simply need to remember the Pythagorean Theorem and all will be well.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , October 22, 2014

Theme Writing

Breanna Brink

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8C

3 September 2014


Theme Writing

“They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the end of the world.” Psalm 19:3-4


At the end of last year I went with my grade to leadership camp in order to pick a theme for the following year. The theme is used to plan chapels, small group, and family group activities, and overall to inspire students to become better Christians. To find a theme we went though the process of learning about previous themes used, we prayed, spent time reading the bible, wrote down potential verse ideas, and voted on the theme that we felt called to use. This year we are inspired by the theme “Shout Silently – with actions that speak.” The Earth can proclaim God’s glory in the midst of complete silence. Our goal is to reflect the Earth and use our actions to show our devotion to God. I can shout silently in school and beyond.


As an eighth grader at Zeeland Christian School I can shout shout silently in many ways. An action I can use to glorify God is picking up trash around school regardless if it’s mine or not. Genesis 2:15 says “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” It is my job as a person made in God’s image to keep his world beautiful and clean. I can also learn the names of people in the grades below me. Learning someones name is an easy way to show that you care and want to learn more about them. The best leaders are the ones that have everyone’s best interests at heart. Therefore to be a good leader and to shout silently I should pay attention to younger students. I can also shout with my actions by showing patience. For example, when someone is running behind I can wait for them. Or when someone is struggling in a school project I can talk through confusing parts with them. God does not like to see us frustrated and stressed. By coming to the aid of those who are, I am reflecting Him. In addition to these I can pray for and with my friends. In order for us to speak with our actions we have to first know what God want’s us to do. Actions only speak for God’s glory when they are inspired by God himself or by the Bible. Prayer helps me have a clearer knowledge of what I should do. Therefore it makes me have actions that consistently reflect God.


I can do various things to shout silently in my community and in the world beyond. Encouraging others is a exceptional way to glorify God. The Bible talks a lot about how our words are powerful. They can lift people up or they can tear people apart. By being encouraging I shout that I want to use my words to reflect God’s love. I can fit encouragement into any situation of my day to day routine, from sports practices to card games. Also I can help out around the house speak with my actions. My parents do innumerable things for me that I rarely take time to notice. As a small act of gratitude I can help out by doing things like making dinner, setting the table, cleaning up after myself and others, or washing the dog. One of the ten commandments is “honor your father and mother” By helping out I shout silently that I respect and appreciate them. To reflect God I can do simple favors for my neighbors. I can show I care by baking them cookies or shoveling their driveways. Talking with homeless people is a great way to bring a smile to God’s face. Even just a simple hello can go a long way. Jesus was the master of showing the less fortunate kindness. He was God in every way, yet He put His time and effort into immature children, ungrateful lepers, and overall sinners of every shape and kind. My actions speak when I spend time with the less fortunate people around me.


I can shout silently in school and beyond. To wrap up my thoughts shouting silently all comes down to acting out of love. God is love and in order to reflect him everything I say and do needs to be fueled by love. As a Christian, I can not act out of anger or fear but shout silently in love everywhere.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized October 7, 2014


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Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , June 4, 2014

La Gran Sequía

En el libro La Gran Sequía se trata de una niña llamada Ada. Ella es un Bosquimano que esta muriendo del sed junto con su novio, su familia, y prácticamente cada persona y animal que ha conocido en su vida. Ada observa que todo muere del calor mientras los monos sigan con energía como nada ha pasado. Entonces Ada y su novio partieron de toda civilización en búsqueda del agua que nadie ha encontrado. El libro se un historia del camino a agua.

Después de leer este libro yo aprendí que en África hay lugares llenos de agua y vida y hay lugares como donde viven los bosquimanos que es completamente el opuesto de viva. También aprendí que muchos Africanos toman el mejor del situación que están en. No van a solo aceptar que algo es fuera de su control, van a tratar y tratar hasta que han logrado lo que tienen que lograr. Últimamente aprendí que lealtad a sus familias es algo muy importante en pertes de África.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , June 3, 2014

Incredible Edible Cell Project

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Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , May 29, 2014

Union Africana

Los últimos dos días en estudios sociales hemos tratado de hacer un resolución al conflicto en la República Centroafricana. Dos grupos dentro del estando están peleando, por causa de esto hay muchos refugiados huyendo a otros países. Tuvimos mucho tiempo debatiendo en grupos pequeños y con todo el clase para encontrar un resolución. Era muy divertido actuar profesional y aprender como hacer resoluciones a problemas mundiales. Mi parte favorita del debate era presentar nuestros resoluciones y escuchar criticas para mejorar las. Durante este proceso aprendí que aveces tienes que aceptar que no sabes todos los respuestas. El parte más difícil era tratar de convencer a otros para estar de acuerdo en una idea. Por el unidad entero aprendí que África es muy grande y no puedes hacer estereotípicos de el lugar entero. Era interesante negociar con otros países porque todos tenemos ideas distintas que sirven para el mejor buena de nuestros países.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , May 22, 2014

The Lord’s Prayer

My favorite line in the Lord’s prayer is  “forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” I think this statement is something we should pray more often. We like to ask God to forgive our sins while we haven’t forgiven others for what they might have done to us. How should we expect God to not hold a grudge for us when we spend a lot of time holding grudges for others? I think that we should be quicker to ask God to give us the strength to forgive others than to ask God to forgive us.

2 comments Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  May 13, 2014


Mi perspectiva sobra África ha cambiado mucho desde los primeras días del unidad. Ahora sé que no puedes dar estereotípicos a África como un entero. Hay tantos partes adentro de África con culturas, lenguajes, y tradiciones  distintos. Por ejemplo, decir que todos Africanos son algo es como decir todos Norte Americanos son algo.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , April 28, 2014

Synonym Poem


Considerate, noble, abnegation, compassionate,

Forgetting yourself in order to remember others takes being passionate.

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Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  April 21, 2014

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