Egypt Project

In this Egypt project we had to chose 2 things of  Egypt civlization (stable food supply,technology,religon,arts,writing,government,social structure) our group whitch was Weston, Sam, and Andrew we chose  to do technology, and writing. We had 3 1/2 weeks to finish and present in the halls to people. Some times the group was kind of chaotic. Like the time when we had to decide whitch teacher’s class to give the survey to we had to compromise.

I lerned that some times you have to be pacient  with your group and wait to see what there idea is rather that just shoving it off and never talking about it again. And how different there calture is like we learned that they had maney gods but we as christians have one true God.

The conclution from this is you have got to learn to work good in a group if you can’t already, I leared that you have got to learn to work with others becuase you have to make a good presentation. And how different the culture of  egypt is like the sphinks and the 3 great pyramids. This project was fun!