LA Mystery

Coby Nyland

Mrs. Roskamp

8A, LA

12 February 2016  

The Home Run Heist  

“You can do it Andre” yelled the crowd.

As he was walking up to the plate he was thinking of his checkless. Hands lose, bend your legs, use your hips. Ok here we go. The first pitch the pitcher threw was way inside. It is probably just a scare me. This will be the pitch he thought. Crack went the back as it hit the ball. The crowd cheered as it went over the fence.

“Nice hit Andre!” said Andrew.

After the Game.

“That the flew like a bird”, said Andrew.

“Thanks,” said Andre.

“Did someone get the homerun ball? It is my first one and I really want it.” said Andre.

“ Those kids over their went to get.

As he walked over there he was wondering why they just didn’t come over there and give it to him right as the game ended.

“Do you have my home run ball?” Andre asked to the kids.

“No we gave it to your friend Andrew,” said one of the kids.

“Ok thank’s” said Andre.

As Andre was walking away from the kids he was wondering why Andrew didn’t tell him that he had it, or did they just lie to him so they could play catch with it. Maybe Andrew wanted it because he was jealous because he hit a home run before him. Before he was going to leave the field he was going to investigate the scene of the crime.  

When he was back where he thought he hit he saw a boy with that looked just like his.

“Is that my homerun ball?” asked Andre

All of a sudden he just starts running away from Andre. Andre started to chase him but he ran into the trees. He knew that bad things happened back there so he didn’t chase him. He didn’t see his face though. He started to walk home. As he was walking home he saw another one of his friends. His friends name is Peter. He ran up to talk to him.

“Have you seen Andrew?” asked Andre.

“No, am in charge of him or something?” asked Peter rudely.

“Fine, be that way!” said Andre just as rude.

Peter walked away and Andre just thought why is he so mean. Maybe Andrew gave him the ball to hide since he would suspect him. So Andre started to give up and walked home.

When he got home and saw his mom waiting for him.

“Where have you been!?” she asked in an angry toon.

“Someone stole my homerun ball and I don’t know who.” said Andre disappointedly.

“Why don’t you go take a swim in the pool and take your mind of things.” she said.

“Ok, I will,” said Andre.

As he started to walk towards the back yard he started to hear music and voices. When he walked out the door saw all of his friends including Peter and Andrew, and in the middle of the yard was his baseball. At first he was confused then he was mad but then he was happy because he knew where it was.

“Hey Andre come over here,” said Andrew.

“Why did you steal my home run ball?” asked Andre.

“So I could this sweat party.”

“The home run ball was just a distraction.” said Peter

“Is that why you didn’t want me to know where Andrew was peter?”

“Ya,” said Peter.

“ I thought some kid in a hoodie stole my ball. I chased him but he ran into the woods.” said Andre.

“That was me.” said Andrew, “ I ran away while you were talking to those kids. I didn’t you would find me and when you did I ran.”

“You guys are awesome.” said Andre.

“We know.” said Andrew and Peter.

“Thats go party!” said Andre

“Ya” said Andrew and Peter.



the kids







Andrew: He could be jealous.

Peter: To cover up for Andrew.

the kids: To have a ball to play catch with.
Solution: It is pretty obvious

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