African Union Day

African union day is basically a day where we debut about a problem that is actually happening in the world. It is very formal and it is a lot like how the AU actually works. We were a country with another person and we got to argue over what we believed and made treaty an combined with other countries to get our thing chosen. I learned that it is hard to agree with peoples ideas. It is hard because you get so caught up in your country that you don’t care about other ideas. My favorite thing about AU is the debating. I think it could of ben a little bit longer.

Invictus Response

At the start of the movie the kid that turned down the jersey was not a big fan of the Spring Boks. But then as the movie goes he starts to like the Spring Boks. When they came to his village to show them how to play rugby. When the world cup of rugby came along the kid went by the police officer car to listen. By the end of the movie they were hugging because there team won. This is a good example of apartheid and how it started to end.

It was a good example of after apartheid because before the kid hated everything about the whites even there teams but at the end of the movie the kid started to like the teams and like the whites. This wasn’t true for every one but it was true for some people.

European union

Yesterday was frustrating because you had to go through customs even if you were passing through. Also you didn’t even know if you were going to get excepted. Also it was a pain to exchange money. What was better today was when you didn’t have to go through customs and you didn’t have to exchange money with most of the countries. I guess that isn’t as safe as customs but it is a lot faster.

Mexico Google maps


They have a lot of the same vegetation like the same trees and a lot of rivers.

They have a lot of the same style colleges. By that I mean they look a lot a like.

They have a lot of the same style restraints as we do.



All of there words are in spanish while our is english.

The cars there are a lot smaller that ours.

The store styles are a lot different because they are a lot smaller.

Amazon land use

I think that the Amazonians should be able to use the land because they wore there over 12,000 years ago and they shouldn’t be pushed out. I think they are using the forest the best way and not wasting any of the natural resources. They only clear little parts of the forest fro there farming and and living un like the loggers that clear a huge part of the forest for 100 trees that they need that leave the rest to die or burn. The Amazonians are dying because the people that come on carry sickness in to  there home land and they don’t have any medicine to cure it.

I think the loggers should take a hike because they are doing more damage to the rain forest than all of us combined. They clear more trees than anybody else we were are talking about. The settlers should take a hike to because they take the land from the native Amazonians and they hurt the soil more than the native Amazonians. The cattle ranchers use a bunch of land that the native Amazonians could be using for the hunting and gathering.

Immigration day

Coby Nyland
7X #16

Immigration day
My immigration day was a very good experience because I got learn a lot about other people’s experiences of migrating and some of the stories about how they got here, and also just some of the stories about their childhood and how it was like for them before they moved to America. A story that really impacted me this story about a guy named peter, he is from Canada. Before he was in Canada he immigrated from the Netherlands to Canada then from Canada to America. When he was in Canada he went to college at a Christian college, but he didn’t really agree with some of the teachings in the school so looked for schools in America. He narrowed it down with 2 colleges Dordt college in Iowa, or Calvin college in Michigan and he picked Dordt in Iowa. He said he picked that school because he heard it was like Canada. What he meant by that is he said Canada is a lot more relaxed then America. So he went to Dort and get his diploma for computer tech or something like that and got married and moved to West Michigan.
This experience was important to me because It help me understand that there is more of this world then West Michigan or the United States. What I mean by that is their is more culture, and more food, and more experiences than just West Michigan.
This experience changed my perspective on how hard it is to get to America and how much you have to sacrifice sometimes to get here. It also changed my perspective on what people have to go through to get to America. Like Peter he gave up his family and friends and Canada to come to America and finish college and get a good job and rase and family. This experience expanded my perspective on how it is other countries. Like I interviewed Mrs. Hildebrand and she said when she was in school in Hong Kong it wasn’t about learning it was about memorizing things she said after school everyday you would go home, do homework, eat super, do more homework, and go to bed. She said she laughs at us when we say we have too much homework. So overall this was a great day and I wish I could do it again and here more people