What did you learn form the civil war muster last week?

I learned that Abraham Lincoln barely went to school at all, and most of the stuff that he learned came from reading books and that if you round up all the time that he went too school in his hole life it probably rounds up too only 1 year. Another thing that I learned was that it took $10 to make a big fancy dress (for girls) and that is a lot of money back then because if your father went to war he only gets about $10 a MONTH. Another thing that we learned was that women wanted too look as pail as possible, so they had something that looks like an umbrella that is for protecting them from the sun so that they stay pail, and they even sometimes took a little bit of poison so that they would get sick and they would be very pail. I also learned that guns they used shot SUPPER fast: it travels about 3 football fields in ONLY 1 second. I also learned that a solder back then carried a LOT of stuff and it waded a LOT: it waded about HALF his own wait, so its like caring half of yourself.



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