El payaso “humbug”

Una noche, el “humbug” payaso malvado se fue a un casa de alguien rico y se fue en su casa y tomó todo su dinero…

La día después la persona rica despertó y llamó a los policias, perro nadie estaba allí, entonces se fue al casa de su amigo, perro nadie estaba…

En este momento se fue en total pánico porque no podía encontrar nadie, ni su dinero, entonces se fue al casa de su otro amigo, y encontró muchos personas allí, entonces se fue adentro, todo dijeron”¡¡feliz cumple años!!”, y en ese momento recordó que era su cumpleaños, y también vi los policias, su amigo y también el payaso “humbug”, y todos les dieron cosas parra su cumple años, perro el todavía no se donde su dinero se fue.  EL FIN

Photo on 2014-04-02 at 14.03

la vida de samuel


lees “los zapatos de ana” para el primer parte del vide de Samuel. Segundo parte: Un noche Dios llamo a samuel 3 veces y siempre va a Eli exepto el tercer vez. El segundo vez eli dijo a samuel para desir “estoy aquí señor” el proximo vez, entonces el tercer vez que escucho su nombre dijo “estoy aquí señor” y el señor dijo que eli iba a murir, y esto era el exacto cosa que paso: Eli murió. Tercer parte: Las israelitas querian un rey humana (que podian ver), entónces fueron a Samuel y dijeron “queremos un rey” y Samuel respondió diciendo que necesitaria dar todo a su rey, perro todavía querian un rey.



Cuando oras a Dios, siempre va a responderte, perro no necesariamente vas a saver que te respondí y no necesariamente en este mismo segundo.

No siempre saves que es Dios que está ablando, perro unos veces te llama más que 1 vez.

Unos veces es más bueno quedarte con lo que ya tengas.

la providencia de Dios

cuando alguien provee, está dando algo, como tu mamá y papá usualmente provee una buen casa para su familia, y también usualmente proveen la comida para su familia.

ejemplos en la biblia:

  • Dios nos dio su único hijo: Jesus

  • Dios nos dio la tierra

  • Dios dio muchos promesas

  • Dios provee el arco

  • Dios provee buenas vidad para personas en la biblia

ejemplos en mi vida:

  • Dios me ha prohibido una buena familia

  • Dios me ha prohibido una escuela cristiano

  • Dios me ha prohibido buenos amigos

  • Dios me ha prohibido comida

  • Dios me ha prohibido agua

from asia to the US

My family was really poor because there were no jobs in asia, so my mom and dad decided to go to the US for a job. We decided to go to the US by a big boat that brings people to angel island. the boat ticket costed a lot, and we did not have enough money for the boat ticket, so we worked a lot for our neighbors to get money.we got on the boat and the enormous boat took of, with lots of people on it. it was hard saying goodbye to our neighbors and friends, but we still got on the boat.we got there, and we saw lots of people, it was loud and crowded. we had to sleep in barracks when we were waiting, it was hard to entertain ourselves.


I would rather live in the southwest because my grandpa & grandma live in the southwest.The Grand Cannon (the largest cannon in the world) is in the southwest, then it whuold be easier to go to the grand cannon.

The orphan train

I think it was good that they had an “orphan train”because…

The orphan train happened in the 1854-1929.The people out on the streets where the orphans.The orphans on the streets were the orphans who the people put on the orphan train.They brought the orphans to the west and southwest.They did the orphan train because there were so many orphans out on the streets.If they did not bring the orphans to the west and southwest, most of them would have starved to death.What they did with the orphans was that they put them on the train, brought them to the west or southwest, to a family that could take care of them.Sometimes the family wanted them for the work that they could do on the farm, but other times it wasn’t just for their work that they could do on the farm.The kids usually where on the street, so they took them of the street, so that probably helped other people also.Since the kids were on the street, they could have been killed by a car.

tell the story: the underground railroad

Hello,my name is Fred, I live in a really trashed cabon with my family, away from my masters big house.Usually, what I do, is plant and harvest tobacco plants from sun up, to sun down.The hardest thing about planting and harvesting tobacco, is when someone whips you with a whip because you aren’t working hard enough, running away or something like that.
So I decided to go up north, mostly because I didn’t get enough food and water. When I traveled, I mainly traveled on foot, but I some times I traveled by wagon or something else that a abolitionists produced for me. To find my way (the north), in the daytime I looked at trees, and if there are mose on theme, I go where the mose is facing, because mose usually faces the south, and in the night, I look for the north star, and falo it. Of course I need to eat and drink, so when I see a river, I usually take a little break and drink a little bit of the water. I feel really tired from running so much, and i’m also really hungry and thirsty.I’m also scared of dogs barking, because dogs always bark when they smell out something they are trained to find, such as black people like me.
I came across lots of black people on the way, but I didn’t recognize hardly any of them, but I recognized a couple of them, but the only ones I could recognize was people that my family told me about, but this is the first time I actually met them. I also came across some white people, but not many. Some people helped me and run away slaves by giving us food and water, and others actually brought us places, some even only told us where to go, it was really helpful when it was the day, and there were no trees around.