i’m going to South Carolina

I’m going to the knew world (south carolina) because i’m poor, I have no home, I have practically nothing, and there is a big chance for me to get wealthy in the knew world. It will be SO awesome: you can even have slaves there!!!, anyhow, its going to be pretty awesome. I’m going to be rich, have slaves, big homes, lots of good farm land, and about a thousand more things I can’t think of!!! In other words…. I’m going to be rich out of my MIND!!

thanks giving

Every year my extended family on my dad’s side goes to my grandpas and grandmas house. grandma makes turkey and a lot of other stuff. My grandpa and almost all the boys in the family watches the football game. when my grandma finishes making supper, we all eat. A little bit afterwords, we eat dessert.  Then some of the kids plays a game or something like that. Then some people go home. Then we all go home and do whatever.

seeing if a website is real

5 ways you can see if the website is real 

  • First you can read a lot of stuff to se if the stuff they put on it is real or not.
  • Second you can use the easy who is to se who is the owner of the website, and you can contact the owner of the web site to ask hip/her questions.
  •  Third you can use google to check a web site.
  • Fourth you can check who is linked to the web site.
  • And last you can use the “way back machine” to se the past of the website.

escritura de matamáticas

¿porque podemos pensar en los decimales como divisiones iguales de un número entero?

(usen el dinero como ejemplo)

porque 1 centavo y 1 dólar es diferente, 100% es como 1 dólar en centavos, porque 100 centavos es lo mismo que 1 dólar como 0.30 es lo mismo que 30/100 que también es lo mismo que 30 centavos. Si tengo 38/100 de un dólar, sería 38 centavos. Si hay un entero (dólar) en lo y es total de 1 dólar y 84 centavos sería 1.84, que es lo mismo que      1 84/100 que es lo mismo que 184 centavos.

My 3 favorite books (spoiler alert!)

First, my favorite book has got too be Prince Caspian from the Chronicles of Narnia, what happened in Prince Caspian is that he is one of the bad guys but the king is killing him because he had a son, and Prince Caspian is part of the royal family, so he would be king next, un less he dies, but he ran away and they he finds narnians and then teams up with them to defeat the bad guys.

My second favorite book would be the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe that is also from the Chronicles of Narnia, what happened is that these people found a Wardrobe then go into the Wardrobe and go into Narnia and then help the narnians defeat the Withe Witch which is the bad guy in this book.

My third book is James and the giant Peach and what happens is that this guy named James (the main character) his parents die, so he lived with his aunt and aunt and they are very mean so he escapes and has a big adventure.


What did you learn form the civil war muster last week?

I learned that Abraham Lincoln barely went to school at all, and most of the stuff that he learned came from reading books and that if you round up all the time that he went too school in his hole life it probably rounds up too only 1 year. Another thing that I learned was that it took $10 to make a big fancy dress (for girls) and that is a lot of money back then because if your father went to war he only gets about $10 a MONTH. Another thing that we learned was that women wanted too look as pail as possible, so they had something that looks like an umbrella that is for protecting them from the sun so that they stay pail, and they even sometimes took a little bit of poison so that they would get sick and they would be very pail. I also learned that guns they used shot SUPPER fast: it travels about 3 football fields in ONLY 1 second. I also learned that a solder back then carried a LOT of stuff and it waded a LOT: it waded about HALF his own wait, so its like caring half of yourself.



how the north-west and the south-west are different

In the north-west there is a lot of desert land and plains and very little water but in the north-west there is a lot of mountains and an lot of water and it rains there a lot.in the north-west they farm a lot but there isn’t much water, so what they do is they make these holes that goes underneath the crop so that the water car reach their crops easer and they wont have a lot of dead crop, but in the south-west they do not half to do that because there is a lot of water there. In the south-west they have a lot of  “brown” land (rocks, dirt ext., but not much grass, trees ext.) but in the north-west they have a lot of green land.in the south-west they make their houses out of a bunch of rocks, but in the north-west they make their houses out of wood.


como cambiar 3 1/8 a un fracción (paso par paso)

paso uno:                                                                                                 paso dos:

multiplicas 3 X 8 que es igual a 24                                                                     sumas 3 + 1 que es igual a 4

3X8=24                                                                                                                         3+1=4

paso tres:                                                                                                  paso cuatro:

pongas el 24 en el lugar del denominador                                                         pongas el 4 en el lugar de numerador

24/?                                                                                                                                24/4

Y esto es lo que haces para cambiar 3 1/8 a un fracción

if I were a native american

If I were a native american my house would be pretty small house that would be about as big as my dining room (maybe a little bigger) and my hole family would sleep in there during the night: it would be like my hole family sleeping in one big room and that would be creepy. During the day I might help my dad hunt for food, and when I’d grow up I might play war (what now we call lacrosse) and then lots of other stuff.

No debes mentir



¿Crees que es bueno mentir? si lees este ensayo, yo creo que vas a creer que es muy, muy, MUY malo mentir. Gary Soto dice en el libro “blues sin guitarra” que es mala mentir.


Es malo mentir porque si mientes, personas van a creer que estás mintiendo en otros ocasiones; también cuando no estás mintiendo. En el libro “blues sin guitarra” fausto miente, y si las personas a quién mintió se que mintió, quizás si hace otra vez, pero esa vez realmente está diciendo el verdad, quizás ellos van a creer que está mintiendo. Cuando yo era menor, yo mentí, y poquito después de esto dijo el verdad, pero mi hermano y mis hermanas no me creí.


Es malo mentir porque si mientes, vas a sentir mal o enojado con ti mismo como en el libro “blues sin guitarra” Fausto sienta muy mal -¡¡caray!! ¡nodebíi mentir!- y no sentía bueno para nada. También si dices una mentira puedes sentir enojado con si mismo, como cuando yo mentí un vez, me sentí muy enojado con mi mismo.


Es malo mentir porque si mientes puedes encontrarte en problemas; Fausto no estaba en problemas con su mamá o con su papá, pero encontró en problemas con si mismo.Todos los veces que he mentido, he encontrado en problemas, y NO es divertido encontrarse en problemas.


Gary Soto nos dice que no es bueno mentir, es malo mentir porque si mientes much quizás personas van a creer que estás mintiendo, también cuando no estás mintiendo, también es malo mentir porque si mientes vas a sentir malo o enojado con ti mismo, y es malo mentir porque si mientes puedes encontrarte en problemas.

¡No mientes!



Market Day Reflection

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from COLLABORATION at Market Day.

it is very good to collaborate in market day; if your group does not collaborate, it will not go well.

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from CRITICAL THINKING at Market Day.

do not just waste your money on stuff that you don’t need for your product; don’t buy more than you need.

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from CREATIVITY at Market Day.

it is VERY good to have a creative product; our product was not very creative, so we did not sell all of our products.

  • Write about ONE thing you learned from COMMUNICATION at Market Day.

if you are communicating good messages about your product, more people will buy it.

  • What was the BEST thing about Market Day?

the best thing about market day is that you are sponsoring a kid in the philippines.

  • What is ONE thing you’d change if you had to do it again?

we would probably change our product.

  • What is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you learned from Market Day? How will this impact your future learning?

the most important thing I learned from market day is that is is good to collaborate, I will probably collaborete with people a lot more.


Market day prediction

What are you most excited about for market day?

I’m most excited about when we are going to sell the products we made.

What are the strengths of your group?How will this help you today?

The strengths of my group is that we have a awesome product and it will help because then a lot of people might by our product.

What are you most nervous about market day?Why are you nervous about it?

I’m most nervous about not selling a lot of products because I do not know what to do with the extra product (if there is extra).

Do you think you will sell all of you products?why or why not?

I think that we will sell all of the products because we have a good product.

What will your group do if you aren’t selling anything?

We would probably just advertise a lot more.

How will you remain positive even if thing are not going as planned?

We would probably just do our hardest to make things go as planned.

What will your group do if you sell all of the products?How will you remain humble?

We might just say -sorry, we do not have any more products-

What is your overall prediction of the day?

I think that we might sell all of our products.



Yo creo que no nos fuimos bien. Un razón para que no creo que nos fuimos bien es porque los inversores no nos dinos el dinero que queríamos para nada. Entónces estámos haciendo un nuevo producto.Las cosas que nos fuimos bien es que los inversores nos gustó nuestro producto.Lo que no nos fuimos bien es que no nos dí el $ que queríamos.El esenario era los inversores en in lado y nosotros en el otro.Antes del lanzamiento me sentí bueno, durante me sentí como mi corazón paró de mover y después me sentí desafortunado porque no teníamos el dinero suficiente.Yo no creo que estábamos preparados buenos porque los datos no eran todos corrects.Si podíamos hacer el lanzamiento otra vez cambiaríamos casi todo nuestro lanzamiento.Para mi yo creo que las preguntas que los inversores han hecho.