The Stoning of Stephen


The Stoning of Stephen

Daniel Dekam

Bible class


Stephen was a brave man. He did all that he was asked and then, when he was put on trial he did even more. In the early church the disciples didn’t have a lot of time to deal with every thing that came up, so they appointed Stephen and 6 other people. People in the Synagogue didn’t like what Stephen was doing. They ended up complaining to the elders of the synagogue saying that Stephen was saying blasphemy. Stephen was put on trial and the Jews actually came up with false wittiness’. Stephen when he was on trial talked about how Abraham had nothing no land but God told him that his ancestors would have everything right where Abraham was standing and beyond. Stephen also talked about Moses and how he was a baby then grow up to be the queens son. How Moses was caught killing an Egyptian and when it got mentioned he ran away and he had a family. Then God called him to help his holy people in Egypt and save them from slavery and from the Egyptians harsh rule. It talked about how he wondered in the desert for 40 years. The Elders did not like that. So they had him stoned for blasphemy.