The Image Group

On Tuesday, January 6 we visited The Image Group in Holland. It is on 8th street in Holland. You go in the back door of Loker’s shoe store and go up the stairs or the elevator. That is where The Image Group is. We went there to learn about advertising because we are going to make an advertisement for the colony we are studying in Social Studies. We learned a lot of cool things there. These are a few of them: we learned that you have to make your ad. unique so that it’s different from everybody else’s ads., we learned that you have to research A LOT, and the most important thing is that collaboration is REALLY IMPORTANT! They told us that they made up a lot of logos and slogans. One of them that I recognized was Zeeland Lumber. One of the coolest things there was that they had a table made out of a bowling alley lane. They told us that they were the ones to come up with the “Feel the Zeel” slogan. The thing that was funny about it was that they asked permission from the police to spray-paint everything with Zeeland Zs. They got permission and spray-painted everything, even police cars! They also made an ad. so that everyone would know the new Zeeland slogan. They had someone go up and spray-paint the water tower so that it said “Feel the Zeel” instead of Zeeland. The person that pretended to spray-paint it in the ad. was really the mayor of Zeeland at the time! I thought that was also pretty cool too.

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