April 29


Our volcano is a Shield Volcano, a quiet one. The name we gave it it Embbissa. It is supposed to be like the volcano Kilauea in Hawii. We made it out of cheap play-doe, which was hard because it didn’t always make very good objects, it sometimes collapsed, but we pulled it out. We also used straws, tooth picks, paper, tape, styrofoam bowl, a bottle with the bottom cut off and the bottom of the bottle.  unnamed

April 19

God’s Preparation

I don’t really know how God is preparing me to do work for him, but I think one way is because I REALLY want my family to adopt but it is not on my mom’s heart to do so, but I believe that by making it so I want to adopt that someday, when I am older and probably married, I might end up adopting or at least fostering a child. God has also given me a bunch of abilities, that I believe I can use for his glory. Like my drawing, I don’t draw inappropriate things, or curse God in them. Softball, I can be Jesus in my teams, Little League is probably where I need the most to be like Jesus to my team, for they need help, and getting angry with them because they dropped the ball, I can encourage them that they will get it next time and cheer them on instead of groaning. Another way I think God is preparing me to do work for him is that I REALLY want to travel around the world, go to Britain, Rome, Greece, Australia and the Philippians are just a few places I want to go, and I believe God is building that want up as I grow, so when I am old enough to travel, I will be able to spread God’s word to the places that I go and be Jesus in some people’s lives. Other than what I have put down, I really do not know what God is using to prepare me to do his good deeds, I wish I knew fully and didn’t just take guesses, because to me, taking guesses is almost like guessing God’s work, and I don’t like doing that, but I also believe that God is building me with kindness towards others, like one of my friends is having struggles with her family, and I believe that God is pushing me to be kinder to her than I naturally would, but also still treat her like normal, for no one likes being sympathized for, at least I don’t.

February 19


Raphael was sitting in the bleachers watching a high school softball game when IT happened. First; Mia, the #1 first baseman, fell on her way to first base after leaving the dugout. Then their pitcher; Phoebe, passed out as the catcher was throwing her the ball, then; Felicity, the catcher collapsed, closely followed by the rest of the team that was out in the field. The other part of the Banshee’s team were freaking out inside the dugout. There were only 3 of them and unless they got 6 more players soon, they were going to have to forfeit, and then the Werewolf’s would win!

But without a team, they had to forfeit. Letting the Werewolf’s win. The werewolf’s coach began bragging to the Banshee’s coach, and the girls were laughing and running out into the field, pointing to the opposing, unconscious players and laughing.  Raphael growled under his breath and stormed into the field.

Right up to the younger ump’s face, he went. “Aren’t you going to stop that?! The girls are unconscious! Call flippin 911!” He snapped.

“Sorry son, I can’t, not in the rule book,” The ump walked away. Raphael fought the urge to go sock the daylights out of the ump.  

“Fine, I’ll do it!” Raphael pulled out his ipod and phoned 911.

“How may I help you?” A voice answered.

“Uh, a bunch of girls just passed out cold, and I think they were poisoned or something because the rest of their team is fine,” Raphael answered. Looking around as the coaches from the Banshees ran around checking each girl.

“Alright, where are you?” The voice replied.

‘I don’t flippin know!’ Raphael almost barked, “On the corner of…..West Side? I think? Just come over, trace my phone or something!” Raphael hung up.

The police came faster than he thought, and the chief walked up to him.

“Excuse me, son? What happened exactly?” He asked.

“Well, I was up in the bleachers watching my sister; Phoebe play, when suddenly Mia passed out, then Phoebe, then Felicity, then the rest of the team!” Raphael glanced at his sister, who still wasn’t moving.

“Thanks son,” Then the chief walked over to the ump, Raphael listened in, he just had to hear what that jerk was going to answer with; “Excuse me, sir? What were you doing when the girls passed out?”

Talking to the other ump, Joe,” Then the ump that Raphael had talked to walked away.

The chief went to the other ump, Joe, who was actually quite old; “Sir, was that man over there talking to you when the girls went down?”

“No, he was on his phone, as usual, idiotic teens,” Joe grouched.

Then the girls began waking up. Raphael ran to his sister and helped her up. The chief walked over to him.

“Son, you should take your sister to the hospital,” He said, then walked back over to another girl. Raphael nodded and helped Phoebe up. Then into his car and drove her to the hospital.



The Werewolf’s coach bribed the ump to place some sort of knock out liquid into the players water. The girls who weren’t playing didn’t drink out of the water bottles, so they didn’t get it. Then after the girls passed out, Raphael called the cops.The cops came and after Raphael and Phoebe left, the chief arrested the ump and the coach, for the investigator had found the knockout liquid inside the bottles and then found a bottle of the same liquid inside the umps bag, along with 200 dollars. The coach’s phone had gone off and before the coach could answer it the chief answered it and it was the bank asking the coach to pay back the 200 dollars he had borrowed. So that gave the chief all the evidence he needed.

February 18

Why is it important that we study Christian Persecution?

I believe that it is important to study Christian Persecution for we need to know that some people are willing to give up their lives for Christ. We NEED to know what is going on out there! Christians are dying for what they love! I think we should know this stuff! If we don’t, then why are you a Christian if you don’t care enough to learn what others are doing for Christ! To me, it is important to study Christian Persecution because it inspires me that some people are willing to die for Christ, and I wish and hope that if I’m ever in a situation like that, that I won’t just run away and claim I don’t know Jesus so I won’t die. I want to be able to stand my ground and not give up on my faith.

Just my opinion

January 29

Ideal Church vs. Early Church

In Bible we talked about the differences of the early church and our ideal church. Ex, our ideal church would be comfy and safe, but the early church wasn’t comfy or safe.

I actually would rather have the early church now, rather than the ideal church. For ours is very self-centered and you don’t learn anything. I don’t like that.

January 9

Math Review

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We came up with our word problem idea because I didn’t know what to do so I looked out the window and saw a triangular roof, and then I began cutting pieces of the house off in my head. Soon I had a tent like triangle. So I decided, hey, why not have 2 people trying to figure out what half of their tent would be? So I made up Sterling and Percy, then came up with the word problem and question based off a tent. Also, I had some help on the question from Mr. Devries. What we got for the answer of our tent was 7.81 Ft, it made sense after I fixed some things. Like we started with the hypotenuses were 6ft, and the bottom was 10ft, but if you split them it would be 5ft along bottom and 6ft hypotenuse, but that didn’t make sense for the answer we got for that was 3.32 ft. So I changed some things, and did that 6ft was the inside leg, and 5ft was still the bottom for each right triangle, when I did those numbers I got, 7.81ft as the hypotenuse, that made SO much more sense.

November 23

Thoughts about Jesus Crucifixion

That Jesus was just as much human as we are. He had the same feelings and thoughts, but he fought pain and hurt and sin better than we do. Even though he was God’s son he still felt like we do, he didn’t want to die, no one does, but Jesus did it so we could be forgiven. One question; Would you die for Jesus and others?

November 9

God sightings

I saw God over the weekend in my friends, when I went to a friends party. I felt very included, and was always talked too. 😉 I felt loved. I also saw God in fall, the leaves changing, the brisk, cold air, and the bright sun. I rode my golf cart around outside, it was really cool to se all the colors of fall.

November 2

Thematic Essay

The book I am writing about is; I Am Number Four. By: Pittacus Lore. There is a boy named John, but he is not from Earth. He is from a planet called Lorien, but his planet was attacked by a group of aliens called Mogadorians. So as a little boy, John and 8 others escaped to Earth, but no one can know what John is. So he changed his name from Four to John Smith. So the Mogs can’t easily find him and kill him. The first 3 kids, One, Two, and Three were all killed by Mogs, and now John is next. They get scars every time another number is killed, so John has 3 scars on his ankle. He is hiding with his guardian, Henri, in Paradise, Ohio. There he meets Sam, whose dad just disappeared one day. They become friends, and Sam finds out what John is, and they assume Sam’s dad was taken by Mogs. Then John meets Sarah and they date. Then Six finds John, but so do the Mogs. So after Six and John killed the small group of Mogs, they have to flee, which they do, taking Bernie Kosar, (a chimera from Lorien, a chimera is a shape shifting animal), and Sam with them. (P.S, the numbers; Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight and Nine, are all split up around Earth, and they have to find each other and team up in order to kill the Mog leader, Setrakus Ra). The theme in the book is to always have hope.

I saw the theme/lesson take place in the part of the book when John, Six, Mark, Sarah, and Sam were attacked by Mogs at Paradise High School, and John had never fought with Mogs, and there was a lot of times in the battle when John wanted to loose hope and give up, but he never did. He pushed through and battled at his best no matter what the cost, and the problem.

I saw the theme/lesson take place, again, in the part of the book is at the beginning when John got his 3rd scar because the Mogs had killed Three. John began to freak because he was next in line to be killed for he was Four, but he didn’t give up hope that he was going to live.

I saw the theme/lesson take place in the part of the book when John and Six were the only ones of the nine, who came to Earth, left who had found each other, him and Six didn’t give up hope that they would find who was left of the nine and together they would kill Setrakus Ra and end the war that was on it’s way.

Always have hope. My opinion on the book is very positive, I liked it very much. It was fun to read and finishing it was hard. Although during the battle part of the book, it was sort of confusing because there were some parts that I didn’t understand. Like the author would be telling the story in John’s perspective and then switch to Six, but he wouldn’t tell you who it was he had switched to, like at the top it would say, Chapter 15, and only that, instead of helping the reader out and writing; Chapter 15, Six, or Chapter 15, John, but, hey, I don’t have a say in what the author does. And not putting in the names makes you have to read the book more thoroughly so you can figure out who is talking. I actually think that helps to read more thoroughly, so you can understand what is going on, so instead of skimming the pages, you have to actually READ the book. Other than that, I liked this book a whole lot and I like the theme the author has. I suggest this book for many to read.

October 26

Mercury Cycle

Mercury starts in a waste plant, then goes into the air as elemental mercury vapor. There it goes into inorganic mercury, that comes down in rain. The rain goes into a body of water, like a pond. Then it goes into the ground as inorganic mercury, and goes back into the water as organic mercury. The fish eat the organic mercury. A human will catch and eat the fish, and then throw away their waste. Which goes back to the waste plant. Sometimes mercury goes from the waste plant into a river, which sooner or later goes into a body of water and the cycle goes as written before.


September 28

God Sightings

Over the weekend I saw God in the Lunar Elipse on Sunday. It was AMAZING, so big and me and my family watched the Earth’s shadow slowly cover the moon and turn it red. We didn’t stay up larte enough to watch the Lunar Eclipse end though, but even though we didn’t see that part of it, I must say, it was AWESOME.

September 18

Theme writing

Emily Leegwater

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8B

16 September 2015

Matthew 7: 24-25

Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock, the rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had it’s foundation on the rock.


We talked a lot about what the verse would be at camp, but we finally decided what it would be. I really like this verse. It was a lot of fun at camp, we did the high ropes course and the zipline, and we played a lot of games, and did campfires, but my favorite part of Camp was picking out the verse, because it put a lot of pressure on you. Because you had to come up with basically a goal for the whole school, and the theme had to go along with ZCS 100 years! (anniversary) Our theme this year, “Built on the Rock”, means a lot to me as both an 8th grader at ZCS and as a Christian in the world.


The verse means a lot to me as an 8th grader in school, because you have to work hard to be an example of a leader and a follower of the verse. The verse pushes me to be a follower of God and to show what it’s like to have my foundation on the rock, (like ZCS). To be an example of God to the younger kids. It’s a lot harder to be an example than it looks. Some people might think that being a leader and an example is easy, but no, it’s not, I just do my best to follow and be an example, and hope for the best.


The verse means a lot to me as a Christian in the world, because even though you might not be in a Christian environment, you still have to strive to be the best Christ follower you can be. The verse still means a lot to me out of school, because I still strive and do my best to have my foundation on the rock, sometimes I slip off, but I work hard to pull myself back up.


Our theme this year, “Built on the Rock”, means a lot to me as both an 8th grader at ZCS and as a Christian in the world. My thoughts about the verse are very positive, I think it is an awesome verse to have for ZCS 100 years. It basically means we have been built on Jesus for 100 years. It is an amazing verse to have for the theme, to follow, to have our foundation be on the rock and the rock alone.


September 18

Descriptive writing

Emily Leegwater

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8B

10 September 2015


The firework represents, for me, the time we did fireworks at my great uncle’s house. It was SO much fun! Every 10 seconds you would hear the loud, clanging explosions of the fireworks in the air. Once there was this huge one, that when it exploded into a million colors, you could feel the soft breeze of heat it gave off. Once, when my great uncle lit a small one that made noises and, part of it shot off into the woods like a screaming dart. I had so much fun, they even lit the fireworks that after they snapped, crackled, and popped, they would send little parachutes down for the little kids to grab. It was really cute to watch the little kids run around trying to catch them.


The suitcase represents, for me, the time we went to Chicago and saw the giant bean and the blue man group. So we went to Chicago for Britney’s 8th grade graduation with our grandma. There we walked to navy pier, and got some REALLY good ice cream, it was like eating heaven in a cone. Later on, we went to see the blue man group, it was SO much fun! Even though they don’t talk, you can still tell what they are saying, just by their facial expressions. Once they were tossing around marshmallows and paint balls! Then they used big tubes, and moved them around to change the pitch! It was amazing! Then on our way back home from Chicago we passed by the giant metal bean! It was HUGE, we only saw it from our car windows, but it was still HUGE, it was like as big as a T-rex!

The American Flag represents, for me, the time when the Leegwater’s got together at silver lake for the Leegwater reunion. I met a lot of people I didn’t know I was related to! Like my new friend Jarid, he’s my 2nd cousin from Texas. He has a funny way of saying things that makes us all crack up like eggs! (he laughs too!) It also was a lot of fun at the sand dunes, we wrote LEEGWATER across the biggest sand dune, and you could see it from across the lake! It was that big! And also while we were in the middle of creating it, two girls came over and helped us finish it! How sweet! But get this, the biggest sand dune in Silver Lake is called Mt. Sugar Fluff! How funny! They say it got it’s name because of the way it looks! It’s so clean it looks like sugar fluff! Also they say that there are probably a couple houses underneath  Mt. Sugar Fluff, because it keeps slowly moving. It’s as slow as an old turtle, probably slower, because you can’t see it mo
ve with the naked eye! How awesome!


September 2

Mr. DeVries

I went up to Silver Lake with my family and there we met up with the rest of the Leegwaters, well not all of the Leegwaters, just most of them, like 30/150. 150 Leegwaters, wow, with the few cabins we rented, there would not be enough for EVERYONE, only 8 cabins for 150 people, ouch. So we went up to Silver Lake for the Leegwater reunion. Up at Silver Lake, one of my great uncles showed us a slideshow of where Great Grandpa Leegwater and Great Grandma Leegwater came from, from over in the Netherlands, before they moved to the Americas with their 4 kids, and 1 on the way (my grandpa). I also went up to Lake Michigan with my family, where we met my grandma Kleockner and my aunt and uncle with one of their kids, (the other was at band camp). We had a lot of time on the beach and in the lake. The reason we rented a cabin up there was to celebrate my grandma and grandpa Kleockner’s 50th anniversary. I also did a lot of swimming, lawn mowing, and drawing. That’s my summer.

September 2

New Addition

I really like the new edition, it adds a lot of Ta-Da to our school, and I understand the rules and why they were made. I think the new edition is pretty sweet with all of the new chairs and classrooms, sitting areas and study rooms. It’s all so AMAZING, it makes you wonder: How much a day did the builders and architects work on this to make it PERFECT, which it is. 😉

May 28

African Union Day

African Union day was about solving the conflict in Burundi in a countries own way. Like I was Cameroon with Eli and Jay, and we decided to go along with Nigerias plan, which was send in a 3rd party. Mr. Lowe and Mr. Minkus were the moderators, the people who choose when you stop talking and when your turn is over. They also judge weather or not your idea is going on. The students were the countries who had to come up with ideas to help Burundi.

I learned that it is complicated to make wise decision on what we are to do to solve a problem. So it sort of gets confusing  when you thin you have a good idea but it turns out that many people do not agree with you. What I liked about yesterday was the debate for we got to choose whose idea was better and since Cameroon (my group) didn’t have an idea we were almost like a switch vote, but so were many others. I really liked yesterday even though at the start I was like “What am I supposed to do!” but after a little bit I figured it out. My favorite thing about yesterday was all of the good ideas people had and shared.

May 5

Invictus response

I choose the Springboks and Nelson Mandela. The relationship they made was amazing, because at the beginning of the movie the Springboks were just a regular rugby team who didn’t like the African Americans. Towards the end of the movie only Francois Pinaar, the captain of the Springboks, was the only Caucasian player who liked and admired Mandela (for there was also an african american player named Chester). Then at the end of the movie, all of the Springbok players liked Mandela and noted that all south africans no matter what race are the same.

That represented the past apartheid in South Africa, because at the start every race were against each other, like the African Americans were against the Springboks, and at the end everyone saw each other as one, I mean there were still people who were arguing, but most of them were celebrating as one big nation, and at the end (the apartheid) everyone treated mostly everyone the same, as equals.

April 17


I was impacted that most people did have phones in Africa, I didn’t think that was actually possible. Because I thought that everyone in Africa was poor, no offense. Also I didn’t know that white people could be born in Africa, and that most percentage of people in Africa have a diseases and there is a cure but they can’t afford it.

April 13

My poems

POEM #1:

Can you guess?imgres copy 5

I start as paper in a giant room

Until you pick me up

I can make you fly to Neverland

Or sail across the sea

Fight as a warrior in battle

Or flee from the enemy

Once I’m picked up I’m never put down

Never underestimate

The power of fiction stories


My family is a tree

My dad is the roots, holding us up and helping us grow.

My mom is the trunk, holding us straight and keeping us organized.

Britney is the branches, giving us new ideas and making us closer.

Avery is the flowers, giving our family color and happiness.

I am the leaves, fluttering around with new things, exploring before I think.