November 7

Consumption Challenge

No T.V no electronics or anything no bathroom, no running water wash in creek and sink,  or metal 20 gallon tub. Mother always gave us are a portion of meat not the other stuff, not aloud to pick their own meat, she did that so they could save more meat, and not to little. Because more fluent more money available. Type of food changed, no pizza, lot’s of canning. Now a lot of processed food.


Grandma and grandpa .L.

November 4

Picture Book Advice


#1. The single most important thing you can bring to picture writing id the respect for your young audience.

#2. Does your story respect the child reader? This doesn’t mean it has to be silly or slight. It just has to respect the child as someone who knows right from wrong, loves to laugh, but also wants to know how the world really is.

#3. Most picture books are limited to 32 printed pages.


#1. Do ensure your story makes an emotional impact: the reading should change the reader.

#2. Do read recent picture books over and over again.

#3. Do remember that the secret to good writing is re-writing.

#4. Do ensure the text is written grammatically and the spelling and punctuation is correct.


#1. The best rule on writing in ant genre is that there are no ridged rules. All rules in writing can and have been broken.

#2. A story should be as satisfying as it is simple.

#3. Editors LOVE humor.