March 14

What are 2 important things that started the Revolutionary war?

~The Boston Massacre, because the Colonists only faught the British to defend them selfs, and that was bad and the British sent troops into Boston, and started to look in peoples houses without permission, so the Colonists were so mad they decided to show the British how mad they were. Thats 1 reason how i think the Revolutionary War started.

~Also the Revolutionary war started because the colonists were mad because of all the acts they were getting like the, Stamp Act, Quartering Act, Suger Act. So then the British Solders came in and that made them REALLY mad. Also the British wanted to take Jhon Hannkok, and Samual Adams.



March 8

Paul Revere’s famous ride!

Paul Revere’s remembered ride: Paul helped prepare the country men for war, on the way to the boat Paul noticed he had forgotten the cloth to wrap around the oars to drown the sound of the splash! He also had forgotten his spurs! He was going to need spurs to ride a horse! Luckly his dog was there! He wrote a note gave it to the dog and sent the dog home, they went to a lady’s house and asked for cloth, she threw him her cloth cloak, no sooner had they tied the cloth on the oars the dog came with his spurs! On his ride threw the town he ran into 2 officers! He took off on his horse, 1 of the officers got stuck in the mud, the other officer gave up. Then he got caught by 6 officers! They told him to get off of his horse or he will get shot, the officers took Paul away but when they heard a shot the officers let him go! They got on a horse and carage and were riding off when Jhon Handcoff  remembered he had left important papers, Paul walked back with a friend they both grabbed the sides of the box and while they were walking back a war started and Paul and his friend walked right threw it without getting shot!