December 5

Immigration Day

 The experience I had on Immigration Day was amazing, I could not believe I was listening to some of these stories and how complicated the people’s lives were before now, or how complicated it was to get something, or to get used to the U.S. Like Sue Franz, she had to get a degree before anything, and she took no time at all to get her VISA and when she got here she only went back to China for visits, and how she works in Gentex, and is the vice-president for the electric part of Gentex, like the new mirrors they are coming up with. Also Sue Bartles, she came from Canada, sure that’s not too far but there was a lot she had to do just to get here, and it’s colder in Canada then in Michigan. Then when she got here and after collage she got married, and had a green card, and after she got married she had to prove with papers that it was real marriage, not ‘Marry me so I can live here!’ Kind of marriage.

  I think that Immigration Day was important because I think the day was used to show us what immigration is like, especially to get to the U.S, I mean sure we think it’s easy, but we’ve never done it so we don’t know! So I think this day was important, to show us what it’s like to travel from someone else’s point of view, instead of ours. This day effected me in multiple ways, one way it affected me was how hard it is to get a VISA, or a green card, or just how hard it is to get into the U.S. Another way it effected me was that most of the people came to the U.S for a scholarship, or just to help get money for their family.

  This day changed me to stop judging people who immigrate here, because I used to judge them because I was like ‘Oh their just coming here for money and to get rich, not for anything else.’ But now it’s like, ‘Why did I judge them? Some people just want to get help/money for their family.’ That day really effected my perspective on immigrants. Also I started to feel kind of bad about how I thought of immigrants because they weren’t the nicest thoughts, cause I thought that all immigrants were trying to smuggle drugs so I always thought down about them until Immigration Day, when I heard why most of the immigrants were coming. So I feel kind of bad about that.