September 18

Descriptive writing

Emily Leegwater

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8B

10 September 2015


The firework represents, for me, the time we did fireworks at my great uncle’s house. It was SO much fun! Every 10 seconds you would hear the loud, clanging explosions of the fireworks in the air. Once there was this huge one, that when it exploded into a million colors, you could feel the soft breeze of heat it gave off. Once, when my great uncle lit a small one that made noises and, part of it shot off into the woods like a screaming dart. I had so much fun, they even lit the fireworks that after they snapped, crackled, and popped, they would send little parachutes down for the little kids to grab. It was really cute to watch the little kids run around trying to catch them.


The suitcase represents, for me, the time we went to Chicago and saw the giant bean and the blue man group. So we went to Chicago for Britney’s 8th grade graduation with our grandma. There we walked to navy pier, and got some REALLY good ice cream, it was like eating heaven in a cone. Later on, we went to see the blue man group, it was SO much fun! Even though they don’t talk, you can still tell what they are saying, just by their facial expressions. Once they were tossing around marshmallows and paint balls! Then they used big tubes, and moved them around to change the pitch! It was amazing! Then on our way back home from Chicago we passed by the giant metal bean! It was HUGE, we only saw it from our car windows, but it was still HUGE, it was like as big as a T-rex!

The American Flag represents, for me, the time when the Leegwater’s got together at silver lake for the Leegwater reunion. I met a lot of people I didn’t know I was related to! Like my new friend Jarid, he’s my 2nd cousin from Texas. He has a funny way of saying things that makes us all crack up like eggs! (he laughs too!) It also was a lot of fun at the sand dunes, we wrote LEEGWATER across the biggest sand dune, and you could see it from across the lake! It was that big! And also while we were in the middle of creating it, two girls came over and helped us finish it! How sweet! But get this, the biggest sand dune in Silver Lake is called Mt. Sugar Fluff! How funny! They say it got it’s name because of the way it looks! It’s so clean it looks like sugar fluff! Also they say that there are probably a couple houses underneath  Mt. Sugar Fluff, because it keeps slowly moving. It’s as slow as an old turtle, probably slower, because you can’t see it mo
ve with the naked eye! How awesome!



Posted September 18, 2015 by eleegwater20 in category Uncategorized

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