September 18

Theme writing

Emily Leegwater

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8B

16 September 2015

Matthew 7: 24-25

Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock, the rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had it’s foundation on the rock.


We talked a lot about what the verse would be at camp, but we finally decided what it would be. I really like this verse. It was a lot of fun at camp, we did the high ropes course and the zipline, and we played a lot of games, and did campfires, but my favorite part of Camp was picking out the verse, because it put a lot of pressure on you. Because you had to come up with basically a goal for the whole school, and the theme had to go along with ZCS 100 years! (anniversary) Our theme this year, “Built on the Rock”, means a lot to me as both an 8th grader at ZCS and as a Christian in the world.


The verse means a lot to me as an 8th grader in school, because you have to work hard to be an example of a leader and a follower of the verse. The verse pushes me to be a follower of God and to show what it’s like to have my foundation on the rock, (like ZCS). To be an example of God to the younger kids. It’s a lot harder to be an example than it looks. Some people might think that being a leader and an example is easy, but no, it’s not, I just do my best to follow and be an example, and hope for the best.


The verse means a lot to me as a Christian in the world, because even though you might not be in a Christian environment, you still have to strive to be the best Christ follower you can be. The verse still means a lot to me out of school, because I still strive and do my best to have my foundation on the rock, sometimes I slip off, but I work hard to pull myself back up.


Our theme this year, “Built on the Rock”, means a lot to me as both an 8th grader at ZCS and as a Christian in the world. My thoughts about the verse are very positive, I think it is an awesome verse to have for ZCS 100 years. It basically means we have been built on Jesus for 100 years. It is an amazing verse to have for the theme, to follow, to have our foundation be on the rock and the rock alone.



Posted September 18, 2015 by eleegwater20 in category Uncategorized

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