April 29


Our volcano is a Shield Volcano, a quiet one. The name we gave it it Embbissa. It is supposed to be like the volcano Kilauea in Hawii. We made it out of cheap play-doe, which was hard because it didn’t always make very good objects, it sometimes collapsed, but we pulled it out. We also used straws, tooth picks, paper, tape, styrofoam bowl, a bottle with the bottom cut off and the bottom of the bottle.  unnamed

January 9

Math Review

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We came up with our word problem idea because I didn’t know what to do so I looked out the window and saw a triangular roof, and then I began cutting pieces of the house off in my head. Soon I had a tent like triangle. So I decided, hey, why not have 2 people trying to figure out what half of their tent would be? So I made up Sterling and Percy, then came up with the word problem and question based off a tent. Also, I had some help on the question from Mr. Devries. What we got for the answer of our tent was 7.81 Ft, it made sense after I fixed some things. Like we started with the hypotenuses were 6ft, and the bottom was 10ft, but if you split them it would be 5ft along bottom and 6ft hypotenuse, but that didn’t make sense for the answer we got for that was 3.32 ft. So I changed some things, and did that 6ft was the inside leg, and 5ft was still the bottom for each right triangle, when I did those numbers I got, 7.81ft as the hypotenuse, that made SO much more sense.

October 26

Mercury Cycle

Mercury starts in a waste plant, then goes into the air as elemental mercury vapor. There it goes into inorganic mercury, that comes down in rain. The rain goes into a body of water, like a pond. Then it goes into the ground as inorganic mercury, and goes back into the water as organic mercury. The fish eat the organic mercury. A human will catch and eat the fish, and then throw away their waste. Which goes back to the waste plant. Sometimes mercury goes from the waste plant into a river, which sooner or later goes into a body of water and the cycle goes as written before.


September 2

Mr. DeVries

I went up to Silver Lake with my family and there we met up with the rest of the Leegwaters, well not all of the Leegwaters, just most of them, like 30/150. 150 Leegwaters, wow, with the few cabins we rented, there would not be enough for EVERYONE, only 8 cabins for 150 people, ouch. So we went up to Silver Lake for the Leegwater reunion. Up at Silver Lake, one of my great uncles showed us a slideshow of where Great Grandpa Leegwater and Great Grandma Leegwater came from, from over in the Netherlands, before they moved to the Americas with their 4 kids, and 1 on the way (my grandpa). I also went up to Lake Michigan with my family, where we met my grandma Kleockner and my aunt and uncle with one of their kids, (the other was at band camp). We had a lot of time on the beach and in the lake. The reason we rented a cabin up there was to celebrate my grandma and grandpa Kleockner’s 50th anniversary. I also did a lot of swimming, lawn mowing, and drawing. That’s my summer.