January 9

Math Review

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We came up with our word problem idea because I didn’t know what to do so I looked out the window and saw a triangular roof, and then I began cutting pieces of the house off in my head. Soon I had a tent like triangle. So I decided, hey, why not have 2 people trying to figure out what half of their tent would be? So I made up Sterling and Percy, then came up with the word problem and question based off a tent. Also, I had some help on the question from Mr. Devries. What we got for the answer of our tent was 7.81 Ft, it made sense after I fixed some things. Like we started with the hypotenuses were 6ft, and the bottom was 10ft, but if you split them it would be 5ft along bottom and 6ft hypotenuse, but that didn’t make sense for the answer we got for that was 3.32 ft. So I changed some things, and did that 6ft was the inside leg, and 5ft was still the bottom for each right triangle, when I did those numbers I got, 7.81ft as the hypotenuse, that made SO much more sense.

October 22


The struggles I’ve had in chapter 3 are after the first quiz, on 3-5, 3-6, 3-7, and 3-8. but mostly on 3-7, I couldn’t seem to get the answers right! So there would be the question 7 / 2/3 =                       , and I would take the number 7 and turn it into a fraction, 7/1, like it said in the book, but then I would forget to flip it so it would look like: 7/1 * 2/3= 14/3 = 4 2/3, but it is supposed to be 1/7 * 2/3= 2/21.

Where in life did you use problems like that?

I used a problem like 7 / 2/3 was when my sister wrote a problem for school, and she wanted me to solve it, it was 9 * 5/6=                   .  I had to solve it to make sure it was good for her class, but I doubt it was for her class, so I took the number 9 and turned it into 9/1 and then flipped it so it looked like 1/9, and then I did 1/9 * 5/6 and that equaled 5/54.

April 25

Hot Diggity Dog!

Hot diggity dog is where this man Mr. Jongrejg, (pronounced young kreg) he owns a food place and the Soft Spot, wants us as groups, my group is Skylar, Logan(D), and Alex, to come up with a hot dog restarant, so we all went to  Sams club to measure the length, width, and the hight of the hot dogs, hot dog buns, ketchup, mustard, and pickle relish. We also had to make a layout for the restarant, we also had to design the inside of the restarant, but we needed measurements of the restarant, so we went to At The Dinner to get measurements, once we had all the info. we needed we made up our name, it’s WINNER DOGS!! We also had a slogan: Come to Winner Dogs and be a winner with us!  We also had a logo it’s a picture of a wienner dog in a hot dog bun! 🙂