Sloterbeek Scoop – Week of Dec 19

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Happy weekend!

We have a busy week ahead as we finish our last week of 2016!  Thank you so much for all your support throughout the year so far.  We’ll be running the Jingle Jog, a Christmas chapel, finishing up a couple of units, and celebrating on Friday with a Christmas party.  Thanks to Elaine Page for her organization of the party, and to all the parents who are helping out and sending in materials.

It is my sincere prayer that all of you have a blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year.  As we have counted our material goods over the past weeks, as a class we have agreed that our most valuable and important gift is Jesus.  Praise God for His love to come to Earth and save us!  A real reason to celebrate!

In Him,

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  • Please send in two stamped envelopes for a Writing project (see Writing Curriculum for more details) by Thursday.  Students may bring in more stamped envelopes if they want to write to more authors.  If you don’t have stamps, send 47¢ per envelope to school on Monday and I will buy some extras when I get stamps for my Christmas cards.  🙂
  • “Bring in the Box Tops” has begun! Students from all classrooms can turn in box tops to earn money for ZCS. This year’s goal is to collect 50,000 box tops, which is $5000 in cash!!
  • Our class will run the Jingle Jog at 9:30-10:00 on Wed, Dec 21, with Mrs. Feenstra’s class.  There was more information sent from Mrs. Miller this past week.
  • We’re getting ready for the 2nd-4th Musical. Please send in tshirt form soon, and payment for CD if interested.
  • From the immersion coordinator:
    Spread the word…We will be hosting an information meeting in the media center on Tuesday, January 31 at 7:00 pm for anyone interested in learning more about the Mandarin and Spanish immersion programs. This meeting will be geared towards new families who are considering entering the immersion program, but current families wanting more information about our program are also welcome to attend.

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 Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday






library books due

Bible Quiz:
Isaac & Jacob

lunch duty:
Doreen VanderVeen


Jingle Jog at

SS Quiz:
Economy of Michigan



Christmas chapel @9:15am

Boxtops due for Dec

Need two
stamped envelopes


no bus/hot lunch

Christmas Party!

Psalm 46:10 due






library books due

lunch duty:
Haley Slagh










Birthdays this month
Kelsey (Dec 3), Andrew (Dec 27)
Maddie (June 7), Meredith (June 10), Pablo (June 11), Lucía (June 13)

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Math  We will continue to learn about measurements and practice with it.  We’ll have a short quiz to review before Break.
Bible We will review Isaac and Jacob, and then a quiz on Tuesday.  We’ll spend the last couple of days diving into our Bible verse and see if we can get it memorized by Break.
Bible memory  We’ll introduce Psalm 46:10, which (I hope) will be due before Break.  This is a timely verse to remind us that God is in control, and we should praise Him.«Quédense quietos, reconozcan que yo soy Dios.
    ¡Yo seré exaltado entre las naciones!
    ¡Yo seré enaltecido en la tierra!»
Writing  We will continue revising and writing.  We also will write letters to famous authors to see if they will write us back and give some advice about being better writers.  The students are very excited to write and hopeful to hear back from them.  We will need some blank stamped envelopes (we’ll address them in class!) from home.
Reading We continue reading in strategy groups and individual conferences.
Spanish Lang. Arts  We will review and practice the difference between “acabar” and “terminar.”  We’ll also review the diéresis (güe and güi) and the phrase “entre la espada y la pared.”
Science  We will work more with Resource Projects, choosing their final idea, and making a plan.  We’ll also look at other topics related to using resources wisely.
Social Studies We will finish government control of economy and then review our topics studied under the past unit, Economy of Michigan.  We’ll have a quiz on Wednesday.
English Lang. Arts We will continue reviewing our spelling words and the grammar we have learned over the past weeks.
Cursive We will learn and practice the lowercase letters.
Technology We’ll write on our blogs and practice typing.


Sloterbeek Scoop – Week of Dec 12

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Happy snowy weekend!

I continue to be impressed by students’ enthusiasm for learning (even as we get closer to vacation) and for life in general.  How exciting to enjoy our first day on the Snow Hill on Friday!!  The classroom was abuzz all day.  🙂

Students have a new technology-based opportunity to read in Spanish at home and at school: accounts.  These allow students to read, listen, and complete comprehension quizzes online — ALL in Spanish!  This is a great resource for families who want kids to read at home but have limited Spanish books.  Go to (or Kids A-Z app): teacher name is esloterbeek, select student’s login and two secret pictures, and find books in the Reading Room.  This could be a great Christmas Break activity.  First responses from students have been very positive!

In Him,

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  • This week Friday we’ll have our second Día de Usted, to practice using formal conversation.  Students will be able to bring one “fancy” item instead of a full-out dress-up day.  🙂
  • “Bring in the Box Tops” has begun! Students from all classrooms can turn in box tops to earn money for ZCS. This year’s goal is to collect 50,000 box tops, which is $5000 in cash!!
  • If you’re interested in last-minute book gifts, please submit your order for Scholastic by Monday so the shipment can be guaranteed before Christmas.
  • Our class will run the Jingle Jog at 9:30-10:00 on Wed, Dec 21, with Mrs. Feenstra’s class.  You should get more information from Mrs. Miller this week.
  • We’re getting ready for the 2nd-4th Musical. Please send in tshirt form soon, and payment for CD if interested.
  • From the immersion coordinator:
    What is an enfoque lingüístico? Each immersion classroom from preschool through 8th grade in both Spanish and Mandarin should have a grammar and/or linguistic goal posted on the wall in a prominent area. During the week (or two weeks for preschool), the teacher and students will learn about, hunt for, and attempt to use the goal throughout all the subject areas. In this way, students are encouraged to grow and strengthen their use of the new language while studying content material.
  • Advance Calendar:
    • Christmas chapel on Dec 22 at 9:15am.  You are invited!
    • No am/pm bus or hot lunch on Dec 23.

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 Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday


Scholastic order due




library books due

lunch duty:
Nicole Stewart






Sons of Jacob due

Preschool buddies



Science Quiz

Bible Quiz: Isaac & Jacob

Día de Usted





library books due

lunch duty:
Doreen VanderVeen


Jingle Jog at 9:30-10:00

SS Quiz: Economy of Michigan


Christmas chapel at 9:15am

boxtops for Dec due


no bus/hot lunch

Christmas party

Psalm 46:10 due

Birthdays this month
Kelsey (Dec 3), Andrew (Dec 27)
Maddie (June 7), Meredith (June 10), Pablo (June 11), Lucía (June 13)

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Math  We begin a new unit: Measurement, Time, and Graphs.  We’ll start with measurement: lengths, liquid volume, and weight.
Bible  We’ll finish our unit on Isaac and Jacob with Jacob Flees from Laban, God Wrestles with Jacob, A Family Reunion, a review day, and a Unit Quiz on Friday.
Bible memory

 This week students should be ready to recite the names of Jacob’s Sons in order by Thursday.  We’ll also introduce Psalm 46:10, which will be due before Break.  This is a timely verse to remind us that God is in control, and we should praise Him.

«Quédense quietos, reconozcan que yo soy Dios.
    ¡Yo seré exaltado entre las naciones!
    ¡Yo seré enaltecido en la tierra!»

Writing  Students are doing great with our mini-unit on Revision.  This week we will study good authors to see why we love their books and try to integrate those strategies into our own writing.  We also hope to write to a few real authors and ask them about how they revise and improve their writing.
Reading  We will meet in strategy groups and individual conferences.  Students will attempt to read and pass one book (or more!) on Kids A-Z each week — in class or at home.
Spanish Lang. Arts We’ll look out for patterns with preterite and imperfect past tenses, as well as the soft/hard c & g sounds.
Science This week I will introduce our new Porject-Based Learning opportunity: finding ways to use resources better at ZCS.  Students will look for areas of improvement and make a plan for how to make a real difference in our community, including recycling, terracycling, and other creative ideas.
Social Studies  We hope to finally finish Specialization and Interdependence, and also learn about Michigan’s Economic Future.  We focused on review last week instead of starting this new material.
English Lang. Arts  We’ll notice and look for past participles and writing commas in a series.  We’ll also notice that the letter y has two sounds (sky and many).
Cursive We will learn and practice more lowercase letters.
Technology We’ll look at more videos from Science, dealing with changes to Earth’s surface.


Sloterbeek Scoop – Week of Dec 5


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Happy weekend!

Have you had a chance to check our “Gratitude Wall”?  During November, we wrote out many things that we are thankful for — your name might be up there!  Ask your child to show you this week, as I will need to take it down soon.

This month, in December, we are enjoying counting and talking about the many blessings that God has given us.  It was such a joy to put our gratitude into action by going to the Mission Daycare and invest into our friendship with the children there.  It is fun to watch the third graders become more confident and comfortable with our “amiguitos”.  Check Facebook for some pics that capture the fun we had.  Students also gave a mini-concert to our friends of songs in Spanish, English, and Mandarin.  Thanks to the moms who came along!

In Him,

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  • No hot lunch or afternoon bussing on Friday, Dec 9.
  • Author Glenys Nellist will be visiting us again this year to talk to us about her new book Christmas Love Letters from God and about the writing/publishing process.  Order forms for personalized, autographed books went home this week.  They can be handed in to me by Dec 7.
  • “Bring in the Box Tops” has begun! Students from all classrooms can turn in box tops to earn money for ZCS. This year’s goal is to collect 50,000 box tops, which is $5000 in cash!!
  • From the immersion coordinator:
    Have you noticed extra talking in your child’s immersion classroom? If you have sensed more noise, chatter, or interaction in your child’s classroom, you should be encouraged! Learning a new language means using the language. Immersion teachers are continually stopping to allow their students to produce language, to interact with each other, and to experiment with the new vocabulary and grammar. This results in classrooms that might seem louder and more interactive than we remember as children, but it also results in more learning and more student engagement. Next time you walk down the hallway and hear the students in an immersion room, you can know they are growing in their new language.
  • Advance Calendar:
    • Christmas chapel on Dec 22 at 9:15am.
    • No am/pm bus or hot lunch on Dec 23.

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 Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday


Family Groups

Hope students visit



library books due

lunch duty:
Elaine Page






Glenys Nellist author visit

Math Test: Unit 2



no hot lunch

no pm bus

Scholastic order due

Science Quiz

vision screening






library books due

lunch duty:
Nicole Stewart










Sons of Jacob due



Birthdays and half-birthdays this month Kelsey (Dec 3), Andrew (Dec 27)
Maddie (June 7), Meredith (June 10), Pablo (June 11), Lucía (June 13)

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Math  This week we finish two long units on Multiplication and Division.  We will review the newest aspects we’ve learned, including multiplying by multiples of 10 and solving two-step problems.
Bible We continue with Jacob and Esau: The Blessing, Jacob in Bethel, Jacob at the Well, Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel, and Jacob’s Sons.
Bible memory

Students will be working to memorize the names of the sons of Jacob, in order according to their moms!  Sound hard?  Well, try out this rap by Maestra Schrotenboer and see how easy it is!

Here is a list of the names in order.

Writing  We will continue looking at how to revise our writing well and practice the strategies we learn.
Reading We will be working in strategy groups and in individual conferences.
Spanish Lang. Arts We will compare the imperfect and preterite past tenses.  We’ll also notice and practice where the sound /s/ is written by c, s, x, and z.
Science  We’ll take a look at ZCS’s trash this week as part of our study of using resources wisely.  We will also learn about oil spills and how humans can change the environment.  We’ll have a quiz over Earth and Me on Friday.
Social Studies We will finish looking at Michigan’s Economy Today and learn about Michigan’s Economic Future.
English Lang. Arts  We’ll notice patterns with irregular past tense verbs and where to put commas in a letter.
Cursive  We’ll learn and practice lowercase letters.
Technology  We will work on our typing skills and write another blog post, practicing correct use of past tense and punctuation.