Grace's giggles

My projects and stories

Letter to the King of Portugal


Dear King Juan of Portugal,

I am writing you a letter to ask your support and permission to embark on a fantastic journey to go to India. In India we will get peppercorn, gold and other goods for your majesty. We will take a route down the coast of Africa to go to India.

In the past, my crew has explored with Ferdinand Magellan and Amerigo Vespucci. Ferdinand Magellan explored around the world. Amerigo Vespucci discovered the new world.

Our goal is to find a faster, more suitable route to India. Your majesty will also be able to have more contact with these trade routes. The materials we would like to take along are a safe ship, bags to carry the peppercorn in for his majesty,modern sources of technology like the astrolabe and cats to kill mice. Some supplies we want to take along are things like food, weapons in case of possible war, and clean water. Also we want to take along a good crew, and navigators. We hope you like our idea, and we also hope that your highness will consider the possibility to explore.


Grace Lappenga


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