March 21

Mountain Film Festival

        I experienced a very fun trip on the dunes in the winter. I am on the dunes a lot but not during the winter or the month of March. Even though it was raining on the hike in was still quite fun because it was the true outdoors. In the true outdoors there is no knowledge of what might happen, and to me that is a fun feeling.  My favorite film was the film on the Letter to Congress because there were lots of pictures of the outdoors. Another one that I liked was the film on Sky Migrations. This film was very informative and shows how amazing birds can be. I think that it would be fun to try and follow some birds all the way from Michigan down south and back up when they come in the spring. The seven minutes of silence was very peaceful because I couldn’t hear a thing from the stump I was standing on and it felt as though we were miles away from the world. It impacted me a lot because I felt as though I was standing on a stump that God created and that us humans destroyed. Later that day after watching a video at school I realized I was standing on a timeline because all the plants and stuff there had taken about one-hundred-thousand years to form even after the glaciers finished out that area. I will think differently now and will think before I wreck more of God’s nature than the naturalness that has already been recked. I will also try to have more silent time like we did on the hike in the dunes. The best place to do that is by a very quiet natural area if possible where there is true peace from the world’s noisy area.

March 15

The Eagle Huntress

En Mongolia Aisholpan, una nina de nomadas que cazaban con águilas para obtener lo que quería. Antes de ella ningún nina había ido a un festival, además ella ganó el premio del primer lugar en el festival. Muchos no pensaban que era era suficientemente listo para ser un cazador así que ella y su padre fueron casando con su águila. Después de algunos tratos su águila caso un zorro y lo mató.  Me impactó mucho porque todos decían que ella no podía hacerlo pero ella no se preocupó sobre eso y solo hizo su mejor. Ella hizo todo esto al edad de 13 que es nuestro edad. Muchas personas en la competencia tenían muchos más años de edad y experiencia. Pienso en una manera un poco diferente ahora porque ella hizo casi el imposible así que nosotros debemos pensar como ella y hacer lo que queremos. Otras personas no nos van a dictar que podemos hacer y como. Nuestra vida es la propia y lo vamos a vivir como queremos vivir lo.