Theme Writing



Theme Writing

They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out to all the earth. Their words to the end of the world.

Psalm 19:3-4

During leadership camp last school year there was an agreement between all of the seventh graders. It was to make the new theme for the incoming school year “Shout Silently- Actions that speak”. I can show that theme through examples at school and for an even bigger radius, the rest of the world. For example, at school you could lead prayer, showing people it is not bad to stand out for God. If a teacher asks to do something, take responsibility step up to it, being grateful for the assignment. Another one I seem to have trouble with is being patient and caring with younger children. To make them feel like you really care, and try to really care. One more is to treat everyone equally. Even if they are not as good as you at something or you have to keep helping them.

Affecting the rest world with our theme can be done in many different manners. One is doing a chore voluntarily. Like the dishes or folding some laundry. You can praise other people and give compliments drawing attention away from yourself and being humble. A pretty easy one would be to not complain about what food is in the house but simply to make do with what you have and be thankful at that. Assuming the best of someone and and not judging them can sometimes be very difficult. So if someone says they will be late, don’t be angry and think that they are lazy or unorganized. Try to thing of good reasons like having a flat or someone held them up.

I can show this theme through examples at school and for an even bigger radius, the rest of the word In conclusion all these may have inspired you to do some of them, but they will seem a lot harder to do in the moment than right now when you are thinking of them. So I encourage you and myself to try as hard as we can .

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