The Stoning Of Stephen

The Stoning of Stephen

Stephen was stoned for his faith in God, Stephen did not stop talking about God so he was stoned. Some members form the Synagogues tried to argue with Stephen but could not go up against the wisdom the Holy Spirit gave to Stephen. They Got mad so they went and found some other men to be on their side and lie about Stephen to the Sanhedrin. The Men said that Stephen was talking against the lord and saying mean things about Jesus. Then the Sanhedrin asked “ Are these charges true and Stephen replied by connecting a lot of stories from the bible to prove his point. Some of the stories were, When Abraham was told to leave his family and everything he had, Stephen talked a little bit about Abrahams line. Then he Talked about Joseph being sold to slavery and how he became important and then meet up with his family again and how they all died in the same place and were buried together. Then Stephen talked about when moses was born and how pharaoh’s daughter found him and raised him. Also about when moses was older and trying to help his people and they were being mean to him in return. Then later when an angel came to moses in a burning bush and how he led the israelites out of Egypt. Then after the long speech Stephen, with the Holy Spirit in him, Said “Look, I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” And at that moment all of the people ran around with their hands over their ears and screaming and yelling. They rushed at Stephen and dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. While all of the people were stoning him he fell on his knees and prayed, after he finished he fell to the ground and died.


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