Wind Erosion

The past few days we had to make a before and after model of different kinds of erosion. Our project was on Wind erosion. It started out in the desert with two dunes. Our second model is the same place but it has changed over time from Wind erosion.  Some examples of how it changed are the wind and small sand particles have changed the shape of the rock this is Abrasion. These strange rocks that are formed from Abrasion are called Ventifact rocks. Our second model has changed a lot from our first model Wind erosion can take a long time to erode but it depends on the strength of the wind.

Photo on 5-14-15 at 2.02 PM #2 Photo on 5-14-15 at 2.02 PM

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Volcano Project


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Iran Persecution Project

In bible class we had to make a presentation for our parents and other students, on Christian Persecution in Iran. This is the link to one of the videos that were playing,

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LA Mystery

The Mystery of the Soccer Coach

It was late afternoon and half of the girls from the 8th grade were in the gym ready to start tryouts. The girls waited and waited for the coach to come but he never showed up so they changed and got ready to go home. Then three Teachers walked by and said that they thought that the coach just forgot about the tryouts. They were lying the coach was actually just off with his friends and did not know that the tryouts were that day. After all the other girls and teachers went home Elise, Taylor, Sydney, Lyndsey, Haley, and Britany, came out of their hiding spots and began their search. The girls were searching for any clues that could tell them where the coach had been during tryouts. These girls did not think that the coach forgot about the tryouts. They knew Mr. Nagelkirk and he would not chose a coach that was so irresponsible.

“Wait be Quiet” Elise snapped to the other girls as they were whispering behind her. “Do you girls here that the three teachers, that told us that the coach forgot about tryouts, are in that room over their” Elise said as her shaky finger pointed over to the room.

“Yes it is lets get closer so we can hear what they are saying” Taylor said. So they moved closer.

I am so glad that none of those girls thought we were suspicious otherwise our plan, to make the soccer team lose their games and not say undefeated, would not work” Mr. J said.

“Those teachers are trying to sabotage our terrific team!” Sydney said a little bit louder than intended.

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhh” the other girls whispered “ we need to be quiet so that they don’t hear us.

“Opps, sorry” Sydney said shyly. “We need to go tell someone.”

“Too bad we don’t have that on tape as evidence to show the other people” said Haley when they were out of ears way. “I think that they kidnaped the coach we need to find him soon.”

“Wait remember those videos that we were making earlier maybe I forgot to turn it off” said Elise “let me check.” The girls waited impatiently as Elise checked her new Ipod. “Yes I forgot to turn the video off we have it on tape.” “Who are we going to tell and how are we going to leave the doors are all locked and our parents think we are at sydney and lyndsey’s house.”

“Well we could call their parents” said Brittany “Or we could just stay here.”

“Lets Just stay here and maybe we can find another clue as to where Mr. Hutt is” said Lyndsey. So the girls went and set up where they were going to sleep in the girls locker room so that they would not be seen by the three teachers that he decided to join them that night. Then they went off to look for another clue. They decided to go to Mr. Hutt’s classroom to see if their was any clues their.

“Hey girls come over here there’s a note on his desk” Taylor said “Should we look at it?”

“Yes” said all of the girls at the same time. So Taylor picked it up and read it out loud “Do you want to go out for dinner tonight since your soccer tryouts got put back a few weeks?

  • your wife 🙂

“Wait that makes sense on the way here I found a note that Mrs. Lindemulder dropped earlier when we were hiding that note said ‘Don’t forget to tell Mr. Hutt about the delay for soccer tryouts – Mr. B” said Britany.

“Then that means that Mrs. Lindemulder told Mr. Hutt that the soccer tryouts were delayed a few weeks so Mr. Hutt and his wife went out to dinner and that is why he was not at tryouts” said Lyndsey.

“Ok we need to tell him tomorrow what is going on and then we will get Mr. J, Mr. B, and Mrs. Lindemulder in trouble” said Haley.

“Now lets go get some sleep” said Elise. So all of the girls went back to the locker room with all of their clues and fell fast asleep.



The next morning the girls woke up early and packed up all of their stuff. Then they went to Mr. Hutts classroom to tell him everything that they had learned the night before. After Mr. Hutt heard what they had to say he grabbed Mr. Nagelkirk and they went to go sort things out. Mr. Hutt thanked the girls and told them he was sorry for not looking into the delay a little bit more.

That afternoon all of the girls came back and they had a great time at the tryouts. Al of the girls made the team and they all thanked Elise, Taylor, Sydney, Lyndsey, Haley, and Britany. The team stayed undefeated for the rest of the season. It was the best season M. Hutt had ever had.

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The Stoning Of Stephen

The Stoning of Stephen

Stephen was stoned for his faith in God, Stephen did not stop talking about God so he was stoned. Some members form the Synagogues tried to argue with Stephen but could not go up against the wisdom the Holy Spirit gave to Stephen. They Got mad so they went and found some other men to be on their side and lie about Stephen to the Sanhedrin. The Men said that Stephen was talking against the lord and saying mean things about Jesus. Then the Sanhedrin asked “ Are these charges true and Stephen replied by connecting a lot of stories from the bible to prove his point. Some of the stories were, When Abraham was told to leave his family and everything he had, Stephen talked a little bit about Abrahams line. Then he Talked about Joseph being sold to slavery and how he became important and then meet up with his family again and how they all died in the same place and were buried together. Then Stephen talked about when moses was born and how pharaoh’s daughter found him and raised him. Also about when moses was older and trying to help his people and they were being mean to him in return. Then later when an angel came to moses in a burning bush and how he led the israelites out of Egypt. Then after the long speech Stephen, with the Holy Spirit in him, Said “Look, I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” And at that moment all of the people ran around with their hands over their ears and screaming and yelling. They rushed at Stephen and dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. While all of the people were stoning him he fell on his knees and prayed, after he finished he fell to the ground and died.


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Spaghetti and Marshmallow towers

The past week we have been working on a spaghetti tower that can survive an earthquake and holding an egg. Actually we only built on two days but the other days we had to draw how our tower was going to look like. Then we had to have a presentation to go with it too. Then we had a day to bye insurance and the other materials that we needed. The prices of things that we could get are, $100 per spaghetti stick, $50 per marshmallow, $500 for insurance, $75 for an egg. We started off with $4,875. Our tower didn’t work out as plained so we had to change the structor, this is a picture of our finished product. unnamed

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The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is One part of the trinity. The Holy Spirit Guides our thinking and helps us understand what is right and wrong. It leads us to make the right choices even though we don’t always chose the right choice. The Holy Spirit helps us understand the Bible and what God is trying to say to us through the bible. It helps us grow closer to God and produce the fruit of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit Works on our hearts without speaking to us, by helping us do the right things and understand the Bible.

The Holy Spirit Works in my life through the devotions that I do at night. Also through the devotions we do on monday mornings in Bible and the ones that we did in worship class at school. Also when I do something wrong I feel guilty and I feel bad for what I did so I try to go and make it better. When Something bad happens then later after it gets better I can understand why that happened. When that happens I think that is when the Holy Spirit is really working in me.

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I learned how to find the square root of a number and then use that to find how long an object is. Here is an example problem: A square court for playing four square has an area of 256 ft to the power of 2. How long is one side of the court? To find this out you would need to find the square root of 256 and that is 16 ft. A way you would use square roots in real life is if you need to find the length of something and you have the area then you can use square roots just like the example I showed you.

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Bowling Reflection

On tuesday November 11, 2014, we went bowling as an 8th grade. It was so much fun we did crazy bowling and normal bowling. We bowled under people that were doing a bridge. We were not allowed to have the bumpers so I did not do very well with my score. It was a fun time with the whole 8th grade and all of our friends.

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My Thoughts about Jesus’ Crucifixion

We have been talking about Jesus’s last seven words and his crucifixion. My favorite is the one that says, ” Trust in the Sovereign God”. I like this because as he was dying for us, he told us to trust in God. He also had to trust God that dying on the cross was the right thing to do.

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