Concrete Poem

Photo on 4-15-14 at 8.21 AM #2

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Metaphor Poem

My  family is a head.

My mom is the head because she helps us stay together and loves us.

My dad is the eyes because he is tricky and he watches out for us.

Allison is the hair because she is loud and very outgoing.

Noah is the ears because he is very sneaky and funny.

Megan is the mouth because she is wiled and really kind.

I am the nose because I am crazy.images-7imgres-6

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Who is sibling of Allie

Who is loving, crazy, and wiled

Who loves friends, family, and outdoors

Who dislikes Chickpeas

Who is afraid of snakes, spiders, and weird people


Who likes running, biking, and ripstiking

Who would like to visit Mexico, Guatemala, and Edmonton, Alberta

Who had her art work put up at at cafe 58

Wimages-7ho lives in Zeeland, MI


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Click hear to view my Keynote. TIN

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Lunar, Lumper

This is a lumper

It lives in logs, lodges, loops, and lagoons

A lumper eats lemons, lions, laffy taffy, and lettuce

It likes,  locks of love, Language arts, laughing, and good luck

A lumper laughed at me and I loved

images-2But not anymore he lunged at me afterwordimages-3images-4images-5

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Pride is pink like a princes

It sounds like cheers imgres-3

It tastes like cake

And smells like Cotton Candy

Pride looks like lots of smiles

It makes you feel Great

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Take 5 Poems


Pink, whiteimgres-1

Rolling, shaking, Braking

They move around in your mouth





White, gray

Falling, blowing, melting

Very cold and won’t go away



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7A Camp Reflection 2014

Who am I?

I chose the verse John 15:15 for the question who am I? It say that God has made us his friends and not his servants. I have felt like a friend of God because he has answered many of my prayers and healed some sick people around me.

Who are we?

I chose Matthew 7:12 for the question who are we. I chose it because it says we need to treat others the way we would like to be treated. We need to do that as a 7th grade community and as a big community.

Who is he?

I chose the verse Matthew 6:31-34 for who is he? That verse says that we should not worry about tomorrow. We also need to seek for his Kingdom and not for cloths or food.

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Density Lab

We tested the density of different objects. We found out what the density was by dividing the mass by the volume. If the density is low it should float if it is High it would probably sink. Some times if two things are the same size they can have different densities. This happens when there is more mass in some thing then the other thing.

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Picture Book Reflection

We had to wright a picture book for Language Arts. It was a long process first we had to do research then brainstorm on an Idea for our book, we had to survey the second and first graders. After that we had to make a rough draft and have and adult edit it. The final draft was the hardest part we had to right the book out then draw the pictures. I liked sharing our books to the little kids a lot. I liked the righting part of the book a little bit  but the drawing was the worst, I am not good at drawing. I don’t think I would want to do it a gain.

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