Stoning of Stephen Reflection

1.  What did you do for the Stephen project (ie. newspaper, comic, etc.)?

I made a newspaper that could have been written during the time when Stephen died like an outsider was writing a story about it the day after.

2.  What did you do well on the project?  (or what are you proud of and what you want me to look at when I grade it?)

I like how I got most of the details in, and I felt like the project was very thorough.

3.  How do you think you would feel if you were really observing this event?

I would feel horrified. No matter what someone does, especially in the case that Stephen literally did nothing wrong, I would feel horrified that someone’s jealousy and hate for someone could make them kill someone in an incredibly brutal way.

4.  Re-read Acts 7:57-58. How would you feel towards Saul?

I don’t think I would like Saul at all. At this time, he was a brutal man who went around killing Christians for their faith. He was essentially helping them kill Stephen, which automatically was awful.

5.  What do you think encouraged these early Christians? In other words, why did the early Christians keep up the faith despite the persecution?

I have no idea how they kept on going, even in the middle of all the persecution. They must have had great faith in God and trusted that he knew what he was doing and that he had a better plan for their lives then they did.

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