The First Hook

One sunny Fall day day at about noon at Z.C.S (Zeeland Christian School.)  My very best friend, Hannah Antcoviak, asked “Do you want to do the Hook with me?”
I wanted to say no but if I did she wouldn’t be my friend anymore, but if I fell I could break a bone or something.  So I was brave and said sure.  We declared that we would do it the next recess, which was tomorrow.
When the time came for recess we rushed outside, ran as fast as wolves, got on the monkey bars, just before they got packed.  I got ready,  bit my lip , hung down, closed my eyes and felt for Hannah’s arms got them and Yes!  I did it, I was so happy.  I  did it for the first time! Then we let go of hands and swung back up.  I jumped off happily, and ran to tell Mr. Meyer,  I did i , I did it,  I couldn’t wait to get home to tell my mom.  I had to wait a full exiting  three hours.  finally school was done.
When I got home I ran inside and found my mom and said “I did it, I did it,  I finally did The Hook !” ” Whats The Hook” mom asked.  “The Hook is a thing on  the monkey bars where you sit on the side of the monkey bars and hang down. Then hold hands .”  I was so excited to tell my mom, it felt so good to tell my mom.
The next day after school Hannah and I showed my mom The Hook she was amazed.
Then Hannah and I learned to do the Drop Off but that’s another story.
I wrote this story to show you can be brave, and have a fun time with a freind.

Forgotten Bubbles

Swimming Lessons

By: Hannah Newhouse


Oh no the twos were just getting back. Mrs. Kerrie said “Threes you may go.” I started to swim. No I thought as I was just getting back. I forgot to blow my bubbles. “Oops” I said to my best friend Jazlynn. “What” she asked? “I forgot to blow my bubbles.”  “So did I,” Jazlynn said. “Do you think she noticed?” “Not really,” Jazlynn said. “ Kids, don’t forget to blow your bubbles so you don’t have to hold your breath. You may go get dressed now,” said Mrs. Kerrie. So we got up, we went to the locker room, took a quick shower, and got dressed.