Thematic Writing – The Young Elites

Isaiah Lowe

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8C

19 October 2016

The Young Elites

The book that I am currently reading is called The Young Elites. The book is about a girl named Adelina who has the power to create any illusion. She gets recruited by a team with powers like her called the young elites. The inquisition axis, who tries to hunt the young elites, has Adelina’s sister locked, as she has a power of her own. This is a book about trust between adelina and her sister, the inquisition, and the young elites. I learned that you need trust people who trust you back.

This book showed many challenges for Adelina. When her sister is locked up, the inquisition says they will free her for information of who the young elites really are. What they don’t know is that the leader of the young elites is really the prince, but the queen, who is his sister, banished him. Adelina must learn to use her powers before they kill her sister, but she does not tell the elites because they will kill her if she doesn’t focus and learn her powers fast enough. She must figure out how to keep her sister alive, but still keep the trust of the elites before they kill her first. I see the theme because she needs to gain the elites trust so that she can trust them to save her sister. I learned from this that you need trust people who trust you back.

This book shows challenges for Adelina when she learns that her sister has the power to take away an elite’s power. She needs to learn how to use her powers along with her sister to defeat the leader of the inquisition axis and, its leader, Teren, who has his own power. He can heal himself immediately from any pain. This leads to problems for the elites as they try to regain the throne for their leader, Enzo. They know that Adelina’s sister, Violetta, could be the way to destroy the queen and the “unkillable Teren.” They do this at an event called the Tournament of Storms, but the inquisition is too strong. Teren fights against Enzo and Adelina for a fight to the death. Teren strike Adelina hard and she goes unconscious. When she regains consciousness, she uses all her might to use her pain power on Teren, but she uses it on the wrong person, and kills Enzo. She then leaves because she has lost the trust of the elites. I learned from this that you need trust people who trust you back.

This is one of my favorite books that I have ever read because everyone has a different power and uses it in a different way, rather that be helping or destroying. I would like to read the rest of this series because I can’t wait to see what happens next to Adelina and Violetta when the leave the elites. I want to know if the elites can destroy Teren and Queen Giulietta without them, and if Adelina will try to destroy the as well. I learned a lot of things in the book, like the fact that you need trust people who trust you back.

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