
God prepared Paul for his missionary journey in many ways. One of the ways is his knowledge of scripture which would help him bring others to Christ. Another way God prepared Paul was his tent-making skills. He would use this to make tents for various things.

God is also preparing me for work as well. One of my gifts that God could use is my knowledge of technology. He could make me do a website or online bibles. One possible way God could be preparing me is through this whole COVID-19. He could make me more patient through this. I can tell you I am not very patient right now! ; )

Paragraph during Quarantine



The most challenging part of the quarantine is that I am not able to see any of my friends. The most rewarding part is that I don’t have to do as much homework. I’ve been playing Xbox a lot more than normal. Also, I have read a lot. I am hoping to grow in my relationship with God through this hard time. I know that God brings hard times to grow us in our faith and show his glory. I am thankful that we still have enough toilet paper. ; )



Stoning of Stephen Reflection

1.  What did you do for the Stephen project (ie. newspaper, comic, etc.)?

I did a video.

2.  What did you do well on the project?  (or what are you proud of and what you want me to look at when I grade it?)

I did a good job summarizing the whole passage in the video.

3.  How do you think you would feel if you were really observing this event?

I would feel bad that a man was being killed just because of some words that he said. Also, they were true words.

4.  Re-read Acts 7:57-58. How would you feel towards Saul?

I would not like him because he was one of the first people to persecute Christians.

5.  What do you think encouraged these early Christians? In other words, why did the early Christians keep up the faith despite the persecution?

They believed in Jesus and saw his miracles.

Beginning of the Year Reflections

One thing I have enjoyed so far this year was camp reflection day because I liked going kayaking. One thing I have learned this year is how to use a soundboard for worship team. One thing I am looking foward to is the end of the year trip to timberwolf. I hear it is very fun and they have go-carts.

What I did this summer

I have done a lot of things this summer. I did a lot of reading and sitting in a chair. I rode my golf cart a LOT. The best part about summer was going to silver lake with my family. We go in the dunes a lot with our dune truck. Another good part was going to the U.P. We went on a 10 mile hike on the pictured rocks. We also went on riptide ride. It is a old Navy SEALs boat that can do 360s and other fun stuff. So I had a good summer I guess.

Africa ‘single story’

Do you hold a single story on Africa? I do. I often think that Africa is just a place with lack of water, poverty, and kids starving. That’s just one story. There are many other stories but no one hears them.

What stories might you be missing? Some people in Africa are very rich. this is a picture of a car in South Africa. That is a Nissan GTR. Those cost $100,000!!!                                                  Bernard Anthony Harris was an African who worked at NASA and got to do a spacewalk. There are a lot of other important people from Africa who changed how we live.

What is the danger of a single story? If we only listen to one side of the story we get a biased opinion on a place or group of people. If you listen to the media you then think that Mexicans are big immigrants who smuggle drugs, But that’s not true for the entire nation. So make sure you listen what to both sides.


The children’s march.

For bible class we watched a movie that was about segragation in Birmingham. What stood out to me is how they were treated. If they went out marching they would lose their jobs or their houses or their cars. So not many people were going. Then a pastor from mississipy became a DJ and encouged the kids to go to jail. So all the kids went and the presadent was notafyed. I learned that separating another human being is not right and God created us all equal. I will try not to leave people out because it makes them feel bad.

Theme 6- Something is rotten

In this theme, Kings want more power and more wealth. So they disobey God and worship other gods. God sends prophets who try to bring the people back to God. My picture is a rotting apple. The apple is Isreal, and the disobedience is starting to rot it and We need Jesus to make our apple whole again. This is what is happening to our world. All these shootings and darkness is making our apple just be more and more rotten. Only Jesus can make us whole and white as… apple.
